We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

from The Declaration Of Independence of The United States of America

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“The worst pain a man can suffer: to 
have insight into much and power 
over nothing.” 


This is the bitterest pain among 
men, to have much knowledge but 
no power. 


“Of all men's miseries the bitterest 
is this: to know so much and to have 
control over nothing.” 


'We've had such terrible loss of 
life, maybe the smartest thing to do 
is pull it.' 

-Larry Silverstein 

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va Y vw Pi? ouv tocjo ttoAu kcii va 




When I was a dumbass, that was a very long time ago... 
Because now I am older and wiser and back then I was 
a dumbass. Just kidding, I was always a genius. I was 
always so smart. Until I realized that it doesn’t matter if 
you’re smart. If you’re in a room with dumbasses, they 
will kill you. That is an exaggeration, but. You get my 
point? Or are you a Russian? Are you a tranny? Are you 
in the NS A? 

Who the fuck is going to read my novel? And is it a novel? 
What if my mom reads it? Shall I not use four letter 
curse words? These questions are on my mind. So let’s 
just clear it up. I think I will use a pen name, and I 


imagine typing out about 200 pages to be self published 
in short runs, which are now affordable in the year 2014. 

I plan to type one hour per day in the Chinatown branch 
of the Los Angeles Public Library. There is a drunk 
Chinese lesbian with a shaved head and neck tattoo 
behind me. This makes me slightly nervous. I feel I 
should focus on one range of my life, like childhood, but 
I haven’t determined that yet. Now I am 36 years old. I 
was born in 1978. 

My name is Dicksee MyDickilous. 

I’ve wanted to write for a long time, mainly because I wanted 
library-looking bohemian girls on my jock serving me 
red wine. And I wanted to be a poster star like Jack 
Kerouac. Now, I have slightly different motivations. 
Since I am so much older and wiser, I simply wish to 
publish this work for the pure sake of completing a 
piece. And, like I said, you can publish a book for like $5 
nowadays, which is incredibly cheap. Ten copies would 
cost me $50 and then if I sold them for $10 a piece, I’d 
actually make a profit. Of course, factoring in the time it 
takes to type it, it’s not worth it from a business 
standpoint. It’s only worth it if I enjoy the process, 
because I can never drink red wine again, and it is 
unlikely that library bitches are going to be on my jock. 
But maybe. 

I grew up mostly in Santa Dick, a nice beach town on the 
coast of California. You might have been there or heard 
of it. It’s one hour south of San Fuckenstein. 

When I think about my childhood nowadays I often think that I 
was too ungrateful. My dad and my mom both worked 
really hard to get my sister and I raised. I often had no 
idea what was going on. And now that I am older and 

have worked a lot, I realize what an accomplishment it 
was that they raised me. I’m thinking about starting my 
own family, and I don’t know if I have what it takes. 

Last night I dreamt of my father. I was in the seat behind the 
driver’s seat and he was driving. I looked at him in the 
rear view mirror and thought, "Wow, he was just in a 
coma. I really appreciate him now and I’ll never know if 
this might be the last time I’ll see him." In real life, he is 

I was thinking about this time I tried to piss on his grave. I 
thought that would be an appropriately provocative thing 
to write about. When I did that, I was probably half 
thinking of the time I’d write about it. It seemed like a 
wild, traumatic legendary thing to do. Funny thing was, I 
think I came back the next day in the daylight and 
realized I had pissed on the plot right next to his grave. I 
could imagine him thinking, "ha HA!" 

Why would I piss on his grave? Well, now I will let you the 
reader muse about that while I type about something 
else. Besides, you might be taking a dump and you 
might need a moment to wipe your asshole with toilet 
paper. Or maybe, just maybe this will be printed on 
paper in the future and you will be wiping your asshole 
with this piece of paper. That is a good thing to imagine. 
That means I will have completed my book. Maybe, just 
maybe I’ll have 100 copies of this lying around in a 
cabin, and I will be wiping my ass with it. That’s a fine 
thought as well. 

It is compelling to wonder why there even needs to be books 
anymore. The internet has been hugely successful for at 
least 15 years and for at least 5 years now, we have 
had portable handheld computers that are capable of 


transmitting huge amounts of text and movies. Is it even 
necessary to tell stories in book form anymore? Of 
course not. So there must be some attachment or 
amusement to making a book. A paper book. 

Well, most people of my generation and many preceding 
generations grew up with books, so there is a bit of 
nostalgia attached. And like I said, the Kerouac red wine 
library bitch fantasy. But nowadays, if I wanted to get 
tang, I’d probably become a graffiti artist and 
photographer of models. In fact, maybe I’ll do that. But 
right now, I am broke and typing is my game. Typing is 
free. Typing is safe. Typing is legal. Plus, I want to 
make a book. 

Well, my hour is almost up and I am going to go finish my 
breakfast cheesecake and spend the last of this month’s 
money on Starbucks coffee. I will login to the internet 
and publish shitty little complaints on Facebook and 
post pictures and cartoons on Instagram. I will read 
news about Obama and Putin and look at all the people 
I’ve ever been friends with. All the people I grew up 
with, many who now have families. I will think, where did 
I go wrong? Where did I go right? What’s next? 

And maybe that is what this book is. I hope I write many 
books. Well, shit, I actually have twenty minutes left. Ok. 
My name is not really Dicksee MyDickilous. But really, I 
don’t necessarily need my mom reading about how 
gross and sleazy I am. I just read a meme that said: 
"Write like your parents are dead." Then the description 
stated that we are always trying to please our parents. I 
don’t think that’s accurate for everyone of course, but it 
is interesting. It’s more like we’re all a bunch of spoiled 
sleazy brats and we are still trying to get away with shit 


while pretending that we don’t poop or fuck when we 
see our folks. The question is, do I just dwell on fecal 
matters, or are there matters more sublime and noble to 
discuss? Ultimately, I think there is nothing more 
sublime and noble than poop and sex. Poop helps our 
food grow and everybody poops usually once a day. 
And everybody was made from fucking. Everybody is 
the direct result of thousands of fuck sessions. And they 
were all heterosexual. Perhaps your grandpa was 
secretly a homo, but when he was banging your 
grandma, he was temporarily straight. Perhaps your 
great-great-ancestor grandma was a lesbian, but at 
some point she had some dick. 

I spent about a year living in a graveyard a couple years back. 

I would like to tell that story. Should I save it for chapter 
two? I don’t know, here goes. No, I’ll save that for 
another time, but suffice to say, I really don’t ever use 
the word suffice. But suffice to say, living in a graveyard 
is a good way to think about the leveling effects of 
death. I slept above the corpses of some of the original 
pioneers of Santa Dick. In fact, General Dick was 
actually married to my lesbian grandma. Not really. My 
point is, everyone dies. And then a hundred years later 
some young bum comes along and sleeps above your 
corpse. And if he’s polite, he urinates elsewhere. And if 
he’s lucky he gets to have sex in the graveyard. That 
wasn’t me. I was too cold and I couldn’t get an erection. 
For the first time in my life, I had gone limp. I could 
blame the vodka or the cold. The girl was quite 
attractive, so it wasn’t her fault. All I can think of is my 
friend. Am I making him laugh? I read another quote 
today, that there is no present God. There is only 


happiness. The time to be happy is now, and the way to 
be happy is to make others happy. So perhaps it is 
good that I think of my friend. I hope that you the reader 
are not my friend. I hope you have purchased this book 
from me, or found it near the toilet of a bohemian library 
bitch. Or maybe you are a bohemian library bitch. If you 
happen to be a bohemian library bitch, sorry, you are 
not really a bitch. Just like I am not really Dicksee, see? 
If you are drinking red wine, enjoy it. But please do not 
offer me red wine. I am done with drinking. I must not 
ever drink again, and I must not forget that this is 
serious. But everything else is a joke. I will see you in 
chapter two. 



Right now I am reviewing this self-publishing software and 
thinking, "My, what dumbasses designed this shit of 
bull?" But hey, formatting issues aside, let's get back to 
the narrative. Now it is October 26th, 2015, and I am 37 
years old. It has been an entire year since I typed that 
first chapter. My, I am such a dedicated typist. I 
remember I had to leave Chinatown because a young 
scrap threatened to chop me with a samurai sword. 
And then this other fool stepped to me, and I thought, 
"Case... It's Chinatown." So I bailed to WeHo and 
turned gay. Then I was gay happily ever after. The 

No, butt really. Er... 

I now think I should write about my childhood only as it relates 
to my adulthood. That would be the adult thing to do. I 


think. But wait, let me call my sponsor. My non-paying 
sponsor. It's amazing how many people in recovery 
have "sponsors" who don't pay them. And what does 
your sponsor do to make sure you understand the 
words of recovery? He or she has you look them up in 
a dictionary. But you look up the word sponsor and Lo 
and fucking Behold: 


noun spon-sor \ 1 span(t)-ser\ 

: a person or organization that pays the cost of an activity or 
event (such as a radio or television program, sports 
event, concert, etc.) in return for the right to advertise 
during the activity or event 

: a person or organization that gives someone money for 
participating in a charity event (such as a walk or race) 

: an organization that gives money to an athlete for training, 
clothes, equipment, etc., in return for the right to use the 
athlete for advertising 



But back to the semblance of a mature reflection on my life... 
unlock the caps lock. 


oh well, out of time for today, but I formatted the cover of this 




Well, here I am wondering about Oxford commas and shit, i.e. 
grammar. Because after all the prepositions and 
syntaxes are settled, grammar school was where the 
teacher made you raise your hand in order to pee in a 
urinal or try to shit in a toilet. And if you didn't put the 
subject before the predicate, you crapped your pants 
and then she made everyone laugh at you. 

Because fuck Oxford! And fuck English fool! We're 

But more than Spanglish and Ebonics, fuck a frikkin comma. 
A comma is a bare approximation of a pause that 
occurs when a living, breathing slave pauses in speech. 
Something that is definitely not occurring right now 
unless a being is reading this text aloud. 


And what's up with spellcheck not just autochanging my 
fucking words? 

I could give a fuck if there's two "r"s in "occurring," or whether 
the comma comes before the apostrophe, etc. But, you 
know, a man's gotta screw who a man's gotta screw, 
and I need kinky, grammatical females to read this and 
correct me so we can bang. We'll be discussing a 
comma and the next thing you know, my sperm will be 
dripping out of your twat. 

It happens. 

By the way, if you are a male, you're allowed to laugh aloud or 
silently to yourself while admiring my game, but that's it. 

Today this nice guy I know bought me a sandwich and a Dr. 
Pepper. We sat and talked about sobriety and rage and 
occupations. By the end of the conversation, I was 
surprised to realize he had barely annoyed me at all and 
had not attempted to admonish my behavior in a 
noticeable way. I thought, "What the heck, that was 
almost pleasant." But it was really just a physical 
feeling of relief. 

A sane man? In Los Angeles? 

Well, as many of us are wont to realize, sanity is just a relative 
term. Once insanity is experienced, sanity becomes a 
very appealing state of mind. That is, if you like the 
effects of sanity. 


I just wonder if I used wont correctly and if putting two spaces 
after a period is a friendly thing to do or just willful. I 
mean, then you can see the start of a sentence a little 
more easily. It's a public service. 

And now for some spicy shit. 

This one time this guy almost fucked me in the ass, but I 
guess my prolapsed anus was just too difficult to 
penetrate. He eventually stopped trying and just 
wanked it I guess. 

We were in an abandoned building that I had christened "The 
Cosmos." It was at 1625 Palo Alto Ave. in Echo Park. 

I was sure I was taking over the building and I was imagining 
all the amazingly fun things I was going to build into this 
condemned property. 

Then I got arrested and the building was demolished while I 
was in jail. I got mad at some of my "friends" for not 
photographing some of the priceless art I painted on the 
walls and floors of this place. 

My art was gone, and I was bummed. 

"Shit" is a common noun in 2015. When you "gotta take care 
of some shit," you are saying that you feel compelled to 
achieve some activities. When you "did some shit you 
weren't proud of," you basically enacted some 
experiences that are usually derided by the majority of 
prudent humans in your vicinity. But when you "smoked 


some shit," you are usually talking about meth, or what 
passes for meth on the streets. 

I heard from this guy in jail that a lot of "meth" is actually just a 
photo cleaning substance that gives a short-lived high 
that is comparable to methamphetamine, but I am not a 
specialist in meth, so I don't know. 

I just searched yahoo and google about that, but fuck, I don't 

I just tossed in that butt fuck story to draw in the errant 
wanderers. But I think eventually this book will be most 
suited for the porcelain shelf atop your shit throne, and 
since I estimate you're about done with your bowel 
movement, this chapter is almost done. 

But also, my hour here at the library is almost up. 

I'm digging this experience though, and I think I may devote 
another hour to chapter four. I just don't want to overdo 
it, lest I begin to loathe or resent the practice of typing. 
Dare I ever refer to myself as a writer, slap me and 
shout, "You're a typer, damn you! You TYPE!!!" 

If I was a writer, I'd be like Hemingway, standing above a 
chest of drawers, using an ink pen on sheets of paper, 
having a beard. Then I'd make some poor librarian 
bitch of the fifties type my shit for some typesetter to 
decode, etc. Fuck it, cut to the chase, type. AND, call 
yourself a typist, you vain beard-haver. 


I saw Hemingway's typewriter at a museum recently. But 
more on that in Chapter Four. 


You know, not all chapters are created equal. But this one is 
meaty. Basically, in order to understand me, you are 
going to want to go to Google and type "WTC7" and hit 


I urge you to do this, unless you are already intimately familiar 
with the results and the implications of the search. 

So many people would not do such a simple thing that I bet 
that thouest, fair peruser of alphanumeric characters, 
might as well not have done it either. 


Even if you are well versed in 9/11 truth studies, consider 
comparing the search results of yahoo vs. google and 
the net result of search algorithms and their relationship 
to meta data. 

But back to the generalized critic of word shape and cognifier 
of typical connotations: 

You are the "typical" one. And you I generally disdain, but not 

How could you not have become acquainted with the 
demands that the September 11th attacks place upon 
all humans, but particularly those of North American 
origin circa the 21st century? 

The moral imperative placed upon conscious beings in North 
America is immense, but often, all too often shirked. 
Mainly by bitches and hos. Bitches, comedians and 
hos. Male hos, female hos. 

If you never googles WTC7, you can count yourself as a 
fucking ho. Or a very bad comedian. Conscious 
enough to read this, yet unconscious enough or too 
preoccupied to ever have googled WTC7? 

I'd say, "Where have you been living, Arkansas?," but many 
people in Arkansas have googled WTC7, I am sure. It 
takes a particular lack of responsibility to ignore the 
most ardent, patriotic and persistent members of our 
nation. But somehow you succeeded. 


But for my own sanity, I must now address the deniers and the 
truthers equally. After all, I heard even Pynchon wrote a 
9/11 truth book... "however obliquely" might have been 
the modified review... 

I am devoted to transcending my previous disdain without 
dividing 330 million motherfuckers into White & Black 
Guelphs or Left and Right Hegelians. 

But in order to understand my position, you must understand 

I first searched for WTC7 around 2004 or 2005. I had just 
begun a period of University studies at the University of 
California at Berkeley. Before it was over, I would be a 
drastically changed individual. 

It will take many words in English to convince an uninitiated 
reader as to why this was, but if you want the short 
version, it was because I was convinced that a 
philosopher of evil had alerted the secret government 
that I was a thought criminal and I was convinced that 
some mercenary, machine or human, had assassinated 
my father in order to punish me. Some of the last words 
my father said to me were, "They will either get you, or 
get someone in your family, maybe me, in order to get 
at you." The next time I saw him he was in a coma. 

To those who are initiated, the circumstances surrounding my 
father's demise may surely have been coincidental, but 
they came during a period of study where I was unsure 
of the true likely capabilities of the covert ruling class. 


Uninitiated individuals would be better of not discussing 
your ignorance in my presence. It's a touchy subject. I 
have not been the same since. 

He died on April 15th, 2007. Ironic, since he was an 
accountant and it was tax day. Or planned by actuaries 
as a final "Fuck you" from merciless killers in charge of 
the USA apparatus. 

Telling my story has always been tough, because too many 
are unqualified to receive it in a reasonable manner. 

That is, not many are qualified to be in my audience. 

You wouldn't speak Swahili to a Mexican prostitute unless that 
prostitute spoke Swahili and you were in the mood. In 
addition, you'd also have to know Swahili. So why the 
fuck would I try to explain myself to a bunch of fuck ups 
who ignored virtue in their times? 

It's not my highest priority, but if it occurs during the course of 
typing a more comprehensive and humorous 
examination of my life then so be it. The scope of 
relatively likely occurrences is a noun followed by 
description of the noun in this instance, I believe. But 
please, correct me if I am wrong here. Use a pen on 
the margins. What I mean though is that I can't count 
on the probabilities that any audience I have will likely 
react in predictable ways to my didactic sentences. 

I often use the words didactic and pedantic to describe the 
style of communication that I often utilize. Is it by rote or 


by true relation to imperative? Most definitely by rote, if 
this dichotomy is even somewhat actual. 

To admonish... for how long have I yearned to totally 
admonish? Absolutely and without effective opposition? 

Boy, that was a chapter worth its weight in nano-thermite. 

But wait, there's more! 

Girl, this chapter has not concluded. 

If one such as yourself were to know the full ramifications of 
the googling of WTC7 circa 2004, I could express unto 
thee. Wow, I think they killed my dad. 

And if you were emphatic and had actually experienced the 
world as I had, you might say to me, "I am sorry. I am 
sorry that your countrymen and women failed you. It 
must have been a devastating experience. How did you 
live through it?" 

But of course the New York Times deride "Bleeding Edge" by 
Thomas Pynchon. The Sulzbergers have never been 
inimical to Rockefeller interests. 

My life has been a Pynchon novel. Only scientists will 



So happy to be back to the typing. I was at an AA meeting 
today and there was no coffee. A Cardinal sin! 

Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. Must've 
been sloth. 

I'm redacting my original desire to use two spaces after 
periods. I feel it's just too much space. I'm also aware 
of several typos and unclear sentences in the preceding 
chapters. Yet I fear if I start editing, I may excise all 
idiosyncratic grammatical choices... and once I do that, I 
might as well cut off my balls. Two spaces. One space. 


I thought of a lot of stories I wanted to share. The first one 
involves this huge cooch that wound up being thrust 
repeatedly into my face. This happened last week. The 
owner of the cooch was a fairly huge girl with blonde 
hair and zombie make-up. I was riding on the free trolley 
in the jolly gay WeHo district where I currently reside. 

superbia, avaritia, luxuria, invidia, gula, ira, acedia 

Damn, I thought I was superb, brah. But I was just in Venice... 

I had been in Hollywood proper, which I've lately started to cal 
HoHo to distinguish it from WeHo. And from henceforth 
I'll just call it WEHO and HOHO cuz like the vernacular 
duh. I was up on Hollywood edging west to La Brea, 
which is basically the end of the show when you're up 
there on the walk of fame. Once you hit La Brea, you 
rapidly enter infamy again. I was crossing the street, 
and there were Elvis, Zach Galifianakis and Charlie 
Chaplin sitting together at a Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. 
I had talked to Zach the year before. He had a fake 
baby tied to his chest like in the movie "Hangover." But 
yeah, Elvis, Zach and Charlie. I was in wonderment 
about the impersonator scene and wondering how much 
I'd have to make in order to convince me to stay in 
costume. Then suddenly Frankenfurter jumped up and 
asked me if I was ticklish. I laughed in a shrill ridiculous 
way and said "Yes!" and he asked me if I wanted to be 
tickled. I said "no!" and ran away. Thereupon, I had a 
calmer moment to view the three impersonators at 
ease. Elvis took off his glasses and spoke to Zach. Zach 


I knew was a decent person, he had discussed the ins 
and outs of the gig. He did bear an incredible 
resemblance to the real Zach, so much so that I 
wondered if it really was the true Zach in a perpetual 
mundane meta meta act. That would be so meta. Then 
Charlie Chaplin turned towards me and gave me this 
look of mild amusement or something, maybe cuz he 
saw Frankenfurter chase me, or maybe because he was 
amused that I was staring at the trio, or maybe because 
he farted. 

Eventually I wound my way down La Brea, past Crazy Girls, to 
the free trolley. When I was on the trolley, suddenly 
about a dozen young men and women got on in full 
costumes. It is October. The huge blonde girl in front of 
me was dressed like a zombie, and her seat mate was a 
cute girl who was dressed as a ho or something. Soon, 
bump and grind music was playing, and this fat girl was 
essentially pole dancing by hanging off the overhead 
rails and shaking her huge pelvis. It was impossible not 
to watch, unless I closed my eyes, and that was not 
going to happen. As she shook her pelvis, I began to 
see her huge undies and wonder about how huge her 
vagina was. She saw me grinning and began to shake 
her ass in front of my face, and then she began 
ramming her butt into my face. The back of my head 
was slamming into the side of the trolley and I was 
getting a chubbie. Not knowing what to do, I slapped her 
ass a couple times and yelled "WHOOOO!!" and then 
briefly rubbed her panty line in order to flirt in a caring 
way? I didn't know what was going on. 


There was some other stuff I was going to cram in this 
chapter, but I failed. 

Stay tuned for chapter six. 


Here I am trying to start a band again, knowing that on the 
mid-level only rich kids seem to maintain a career. Of 
four bands that I've watched maintain a "career" three 
have been rich kids, and the fourth was said to have 
been a rich kid by a reliable source. In fact, the only 
time I was really cooking with a band was when I was a 
rich kid. But back in the day, I was a broke kid living in 
my van and we pulled off a pretty good band or two. 
Nowadays, my "friends" are all grown up with jobs, 
wives and kids. What kind of friends do that to a fool? 


I want to tell a million more stories, but I'm here in WEHO next 
to 90210, thinking about a new band. 


I can’t wait to see this chapter printed and hopefully the start 
of each chapter will have a large pictograph of the first 
letter. If there is a large “I” there and the text wraps 
around it, I have been successful in my manifestation. If 
not, this is just a draft output. In which case, save this in 
a dry location and sell it on ebay circa 2037. It’ll be 
worth some serious bitcoin by then. 

I also stopped toying with the fucked up program known as 
Microsoft Word. Motherfucker, to even find “select all” 
on this version was an undertaking I was unwilling to 


take under. Now I’m typing on google docs, adjusting 
margins in real time, selecting all like a pimp, etc. Good 
job google, you win again. Circa 2015. 

In other news, besides my paragraphs being inversely 
indented, shit is ok. I have a crush on this girl right now 
and I added her on Facebook and we had a chat. I am 
having one or two convos with Rock and Rollers from 
the old Craigslist. The future is looking semi-bright. A 
cool young woman wants to take a production lesson 
from me. She might change her mind once she realizes 
I produce from libraries, but, if so, at least I will have 
conveyed a good lesson about costs. Dang, if you 
needed a lesson too, here it is: CUT COSTS AND 

after all, many sophisticated NON-PRODUCERS will 
deride you for such a tactic. I have been called an “idiot 
foamer” for using all-caps on a chatboard. I believe the 
critic was British or of an Anglican-English region (does 
that mean New Zealand and Australia?) for I have never 
heard the term “foamer” before, but I loved it. A quick 
search of “foamer def’ led to the robust Urban 
Dictionary definition: 


Orignally used to describe railbuffs, it now 
describes anyone who gets excited about something 
so much that they start foaming at the mouth. 


Those geeks that play magic the gathering are 
foamers. They get so excited over one card that they 
start foaming at the mouth. 

by Brent Higgins February 26, 2006 

Why no autmatic spellcheck? oh well. Point made again, I 
misspelled “automatic.” Dude, the future is dumb. Well, 
this book is actually a book about a book - which is 
typical of me. I made a reality show about a reality show 
in 2014 and that was sufficiently meta. It was so meta, it 
is still expanding in a metaphysical way, somewhere. 
Somehow. I just don’t know how... it’s probably in the 
ether somewhere beyond ultra-violet. Or maybe beyond 
space-time, but that would be too obvi. Obviously. 

By now, you can probably tell that I am fond of the vernacular. 
And no, that does not mean I am fond of the blue vein 
on your weiner. I just don’t know if i can continue 
committing to this archaic paper format when the 
modern cyber “right-click search” option would be so 
handy to decode my slang for the droogs who don’t 
vallee my BS. Like when Anthony Burgess printed “A 
Clockwork Orange,” he included a glossary in the back 
to help decode the announcements of his characters. It 
was a device of the format. But in the movie, no such 
primer was provided. For the modern internet typist, the 
potential of “right-click search” gives the reader the 
opportunity to fact-check your prose or look up BS 
period, (period, PERIOD) But what if the vernacular 

Boomtime. Check! 


A Not my vernac, but contemporaneous. 

But seriously folks. It’s about time to come down off of this 
META grammatical cloud and get a little more serious, 
legit, real. I mentioned what happened to my father, and 
this is about the crux of “my story.” The humor and the 
fixation with language is a sort of counter-balance to 
what is really a raw and empirical delineation between 
fact and fiction. The story of my life is a quest for what is 
right and what is wrong and what shall I do about it. As I 
indicated in chapter four, I have mucho contempt for 
uninformed moral codes. Idealism, and ignorant 
pronouncements of dogma rarely interest me unless 
these systems also account for all observable realities. 
Not much pseudo-science whets my appetite, yet I 
renounce the term “skeptic,” if only because it seems to 
have been hijacked by clans of internet debunkers who 
are often far from skeptical. Empirical research is 
fascinating, yet all philosophers and cognitive scientists 
must (or may) agree that “we” are unable to “know” “all.” 

Please insert your own thoughts about that A topic into the 
cyber-zeitgeist and let us commence to peer-review one 

But as a typer, I am alone in this moment of consciousness 
production, and unaware of the actual communication 
that may or may not take place in the future. Alone, but 
entirely directed by countless authors, announcers, 
speakers, teachers, luminaries... the Zeitgeist is not of 
me, but comes through me, oriented by certain choices I 


may have chosen (if choice is possible) but contained 
by certain limits of my culture and my form. Certain 
tendencies of morality and ethical behavior may have 
been favored by yours truly, yet my favorite attributes 
may have been favored only in relation to other material 
forces far beyond my control. Why you will vote for 
Bernie Sanders and I will vote for Donald Trump may be 
unknown to you or to me. I may only announce through 
the use of word the apparent circumstances as they 
appear to me within my mind. Likely though, I will not 

My friend just told me a story about how George Lucas 
changed the ending of “Return of the Jedi” in hopes of 
selling more Star Wars merchandise. To you, my fair 
reader, I will swear that I will never change my ending to 
sell more toys. I might though if only there were action 
figures for this old saga. This saga... 

You see, what if they did kill my father in order to get at me? 
Would you be equipped to believe me? How would I 
know whether or not you would receive this message? 

Well there are two audiences I consider roughly: the truthers 
and the sheep (aka the deniers). Altho circa 2015 and 
precipitously into the future, these labels are likely to 
dissipate, and really only have relevancy within a small 
subset of scientists surrounding the topics of covert 
action perpetrated by the ruling class or “shadow 
government” of the USA post-2001, (motherfucking 
google is spellchecking the word relevancy: you never 


heard of that one you fucking bitch? Fuck your 

To the truthers: well it was plain as day: My professor at UC 
Berkeley, Gary Wren, stated that he had “been trained 
by Straussians” at the University of Chicago. When I 
announced that I was writing about 9/11 truth for my 
senior thesis, I feel he warned me not to write on this 
topic. I maintained my position, and a week or two later 
my dad dropped to the floor unconscious. In my heart, 
and rationally, I was sure “they” had poisoned him on 
purpose. But I am not sure they did, and as the years 
have passed, I have become more comfortable with the 
idea that perhaps it all was a coincidence. After all, I 
had been studying 9/11 for two or five years by then, 
and there are many more prominent truthers who did 
not seem to experience assassination against their 
family. But the possibility that Straussians were alerted 
to my activity was and is a hauntingly real potential. 
After all, the Straussians were in charge of the Office of 
Special Plans, and uncovering them or certain facts 
about September 11th would certainly be cause for 
assassination in particular instances. But whether or not 
it happened to me is unknown to me at this time. It has 
been hard to receive peer-review on the question 
because of the rarity of my observations, as well as the 
bias that I have in receiving examination of the topic. I 
have PTSD, plainly. I hope to further explore all of the 
circumstances regarding my experience, but it is a long 


To the deniers: sorry son, but you are unqualified to declare. If 
you are female, feel free to study 9/11 for ten years 
before you form a judgement, or else: don’t talk to me 
about it. If you know me, don’t talk about it. I am trying 
to publish in a way that will prevent me from 
overreacting to the behavior of others, yet I’d just ask 
you to politely not tread upon such sensitive terrain. 


The crux of this bitch is dire, but the rest of the tome is light. In 
fact, as I may often apologize, let me say here (type 
here) that I use the word “bitch” most frequently to 
describe a situation, object or person that is “most 
complex.” Something that is “most complex, often 
without utility in it’s original state. Perhaps with 
redeeming qualities, yet unlikely to be of use without 
major amounts of attention, patience and focus. Largely 
not worth it for the diminishing returns that may be 
extracted.” It’s not about a female or a female dog. That 
is too crude. Yet if i begin pandering to the mores and 
etiquette of the majority in my time, all may be lost. 


I know I typed something similar in a recent chapter, stating I 
may as well cut off my balls or some such. Many 
metaphors or analogies will be based in gender, and 
due to being an “American” “White” “Male” I will often 
pronounce certain phrases that might not be 
pronounced by others with different identifying 
characteristics. That seems to happen. It is not 
lamentable so much as just another occurrence. There 
is no such thing as free speech. And as long as I may 
be identified or perhaps found in the “real world,” I will 
be on guard against the lunatic feminist man killers, the 
homicidal “African-American” so-called intellectuals, the 
Aztecs, and other “types” who have expressed the 
willingness to kill over offensive utterances, especially 
from being with my readily identifiable characteristics. 
Kill whitey is still a permissible utterance in 2015, long 
after kill a nigger or kill a bitch has been taboo. Until 
next time, remember: you are ill-equipped to handle the 



Shit is good lately. Those first eight chapters were really 
killing me. I have a lot of rage surrounding the loss of 
my father. But everyone will lose their father. But most 
will lose their father to natural conditions that will not be 
confused with possible covert actions. The struggle for 
me is to maintain a morality. I sing karaoke in my spare 
time, in cyberspace. I am listening to “Moon River” right 
now, sounding decidedly poignant and gorgeously 
wistful. I’m back to using two spaces after periods. I 
just found a book by A. A. Milne, published in 1922, or 
1920 something, and I found that there appeared to be 
two spaces after periods. 

Halloween was a couple nights ago, I hung out with this 

famous devil named Louis. Louis and Sooki and Nicole. 
Louis was assaulted by this weird tall guy who looked 
like he was spun out. That was the only drama in WBC, 
WEHO 2015. There were like 600,000 people there it 
was rumored. I found it hard to eat, surprisingly. Then 
on Sunday, yesterday, I went through the alleys of 
90210 and came up with a shitload of good clean 
clothes. That’s why I am happy. I am already happy to 


be free, I only hate it when uptight bitches react to my 
body odor... so I feel better when I can put on a clean 
shirt everyday. Then less bitches will crinkle their noses 
at me and move away. 

I’m always sitting in the recovery meetings, just chilling and 
grieving with all the people. It’s increasingly like that 
scene in “Fight Club” where Edward Norton is chilling 
with all the support group people while not having the 
illnesses they have. Life in Hollywood and LA does 
start to take on a surreal vibe though, when movies and 
life start to mix. Like I know Meatloafs daughter, so I 
don’t want to say some weird thing about Meatloafs 
manboobs and his career. I don’t even want to call her 
Meatloafs daughter, but I did. Then my pal. I think he 
might have been influenced by that scene too, I know 
he is a big fan of David Fincher. I was just reading how 
Fincher was going to direct the latest “serious” Steve 
Jobs movie, but then it was changed, maybe because 
he is so meticulous with his takes. It was going to be a 
Sony picture, but then it wound up as a Universal 
picture, somewhere after the nebulous Sony Hack of 
early 2015? Somehow, I feel that by studying that hack, 

I would eventually understand all I needed to know 
about the current state of the motion picture industry. I 
have suspected for a while now that the “hack” was 
actually just a huge PR stunt tied into the release of 
“The Interview” with Jew James Franco and Jew Seth 
Rogen, but for now it’s just a hunch... a hunch about the 
Semitic Bunch. 


I refuse to retract my blunt assessment of Hollywood: it’s 
Jewish as fuck and it is often covertly Jewish. Like I 
thought James Franco was Italian, but no: Jew. I 
reference Joel Stein and Neal Gabler. Again, it is too 
troubling to even be blunt to so many people about 
reality, so fuck off, don’t contact me. I am very fond of 
motion pictures. The rise of digital video and the state 
of the internet is fundamentally changing the motion 
picture industry. But people are still cunts and crooks. 

More on that forever and ever. I’ll muse about Arnon Milchan, 
Ari Emanuel and the fucking Israeli “art students” 
photographed in front of fuses inside the Twin Towers... 
and why the fuck Ehud Baruk was chilling at the BBC on 
the morning of 9/11. Who the fuck can shut down the 
PCH? You’re all Bibi’s bitches, ya dumb fucks. Yet no 
fucking Jew in WEHO can tell me where to find a real 
fucking bagel. Go figure. 



Damn, the Jewish thing is just so pervasive. You have a 
population that is 1-2% of the American people. This 
group dominates Hollywood. You have Israel receiving 
$3 Billion in annual aid from the JEW.S.A. Looking at 
wikipedia, Afghanistan got $4.5 Billion (2013) and Egypt 
got $1.5 Billion. The Holocaust appears to be vastly 
overstated if not entirely fabricated. For announcing 
this, you can be jailed in Europe. And then there is 
9/11. One of the most obvious circumstances was that 
Larry Silverstein took over the leases of the World 
Trade Center shortly before September 11th, 2001. 

And his notorious quote about having “pulled” the 
building may be one of the most bizarre confessions of 
complicity on record. Perhaps not. 

The conversation about Jewish interests is completely 
malformed, which is my point. Did you know that 
Gwyneth Paltrow was Jewish? Did you know that Jack 
Black was Jewish? Did you know that bitch from 
Orange Is the New Black is Jewish? Oh wait, there’s 


three Jewish bitches at least. Basically if the chick isn’t 
black, she’s Jewish. Why are there so many Jews in 
show business, and why is this not discussed? It is 
actually a sickening state of affairs, and is indicative of 
what slaves we all are. 



I hate that conversation, but it has to happen. As I typed 
earlier, you will not understand my story unless you 
understand WTC7. And if you understand WTC7, you 
will of course understand my bewilderment at the ethnic 
gang that appears to be running the show. And my 
befuckingfuddlement as to why no goyim will discuss 
this shit. Surrounded by a bunch of ostriches with their 
heads in the sand... you know the feeling. And to 
complicate the sentiment, some of the nastiest people in 
my life have been Jewish. Like the guy that framed me. 
Like the mother of the girlfriend who shamed me. 

Like... the motherfucker who laughed at me about 9/11 
and said “they should bomb them all, they’re all 
terrorists.” No vaseline. Jerry Heller is suing you for 
defamation. And who am I gonna chit chat about this 
resentment with? All the Jews in WEHO recovery 
rooms? A nice Jewish therapist? YOU?!?! You work 
for Jews. Ashkenazi Holocaust Industry purveyors: 

Why was Ehud Barak chilling in BBC headquarters on 
September 11th, 2001? Answer that before you speak 
ill of me motherfucker, I might be a Rosenthal. Or how 


about the esteemable shabbas goy L. Paul Bremer 
speaking through NBC on the day as well? Oh well, he 
was Kissinger’s bitch. Fuck a Jew who framed me and 
had the foresight to rab from my cash drawer on three 
separate occasions... not just to get money, but to get 
me fired at the same time. On his way back to Jew 
York City. Are you steeped in the Talmud, or just 
wicked by habit? Fill in the blank: 



How was Daniel Lewin on the plane? And of Sayeret Matkal? 



I often have to remind myself that I don’t hate Jews, I only 
hate unrepentant murderers and thieves. There is an 
element of jealousy here. I feel jealous that this one 
ethnic group seems to have control over the minds of so 
many, and that they get to elect their banal nephews 
and daughters into celebrity. I feel gypped, like, for all 
my talent, if only someone had said, “kid, you’re not 
Jewish. You don’t have a chance.” But worse is being 
surrounded by dumbass goyim who can’t even see 
clearly. To the point where I veritable long to be Jewish. 
Fuck the cannon fodder, I am done trying to save 

Can I get to a new place? I need to Holocaust all the bullshit. 
But all metaphors are insufficient. If only I could burn 
the bullshit you emit in a crematorium 



It must be something in the air... my resentments are 

prescient... no, I’m just east of Fairfax near Melrose... 
Oh yeah, I just recalled the third most devious Jew. Up 
above, I listed the Jew Who Robbed Me, the Jew Bitch 
Who Snubbed Me and I couldn’t recall the third most 
devious Jew I knew. But, this one is only a suspicion... 
a fair suspicion. Funny story about a “garment 
wholesaler” who tipped so well on the same day the 
security camera showed a gentleman with his build 
sticking his hand inside the tip jar. The geniuses who 
ran the joint had positioned some plastic sign in front of 
the register that blocked the security camera, so the 
video apparition was headless... Ney, his head was not 
seen... Ney, headless for all intents and purposes. 

Ney, his head was blocked. 

They asked me for my opinion as to whom this thief was, and I 
said, “it looks like (name), the garment guy.” They said, 
“nah, it can’t be (name).” 

They revealed that they actually sit and watch the security 

tape. Perhaps spurned by a low tip yield, or perhaps as 


a matter of daily rote. I always think of that song 
“Watching The Detectives” by Elvis Costello. Did you 
ever try to play that song? What color do you think the 
skin of the bass player was? 

and now for an unattributed pull quote apropos punctuation: 

One is currently the more standard method in the U.S, 
in which the punctuation is always placed before 
a following quotation mark, even when logically 
following. The logic is that this supposedly just 
looks better. 

The second way is known as “logical punctuation” in 
which the punctuation is placed following the 
quotation mark when it logically follows. This is 
generally used in linguistic articles and 
sometimes in other scientific articles or by authors 
who just prefer this method. It is also often used 
in general writing in English outside of the U.S. 

Standard U.S. punctuation: He named, “John,” “David,” 
and “Mark.” 

Logical punctuation: He named, “John”, “David”, and 

Note that in the U.S. and Canada double quotation 

marks are most normal. Outside of the U.S. and 
Canada, single quotation marks are most normal. 


Even with logical punctuation, when there could logically 
be a punctuation mark both before and after the 
quotation mark, normally only the internal 
punctuation is used. 

This applies only to commas and periods. Other 
punctuation is often placed by logic in both 

assfuck, how the fuck do i GET OUT OF PULL QUOTE 


sO, I say to myself: formatting, aside, I get your resentment 
man. and at the GOY who pretend this isn’t real, 
and/or the cannon fodder to dumb to get it. Jules et 
Jim. Kroll, that is... 

Nope, it’s Jules et Jeremy. Kroll. Just a google search of 
“kroll security jews” DON’T USE YAHOO ~ 



But parents just don’t understand and neither do you? DO 


bITCH, I GUARANTEE you have not even googled WTC7 yet. 
I guarantee it like George Zimmerman killed Tyrone, 
cunt. But wait there’s more: 


Last week it was the Jew Who Robbed You, this week it was 
Temple wine stealing nasty bitch with her tits cut off. 

And I’m looking at the secretary, wondering why he’s 
smiling like a doctor on television, and I just go “oh. it’s 
just show business.” 

probly. it’s probly just show business... I will let you know 
when I give a fuck. 

I decided that I am a Jew. 

Now I’m fucking kosher. 

But only two days ago I ate raw bacon. 



if it wasn’t EVERY FUCKING DAY 

I’d be a little less forgiving of myself. But now that I’m Jewish, 
I don’t have to give a fuck about forgiveness. Cuz the 
bitch was reminding me of Megan’s mom. Fourth step 
this for me: I’m in love with a young Jewish girl circa 
2000. Her mom and dad smile when they meet me. 
There I am stealing money at the box office, she’s 
making popcorn. One night she brings me home and 
calls upstairs to her mom, “I was out with Casey.” Her 
mom calls down, “I thought we told you not to hang out 
with that creep anymore!” 

And that was it. That was the beginning of my resentment 
towards Jewish people... smiling to my face, HATING 
me behind my back... taking my lover from me. Megan 
was a dream. Now she’s a fat lesbian on Paxil with an 
addiction to Reiki. Her dad investigated worker’s comp 
fraud. Funny. Imagine his mindset. Imagine how much 
he makes smiling and accusing simultaneously. 



Shortly thereafter I was framed by Anthony Berryman. 

I could steal without a trace. So when my drawer started 
showing up with odd deficiencies, such as $43 short, 
$36 short, whatever, it was obviously not me. I would 
never snatch and grab my own drawer so crudely. 
Tickets were about $7 back then, so a typical shortage 
might have been $14. Or $28. Odd variations that were 
not multiples of the ticket price were just butchery. I 
was eventually able to convince my manager that it was 
not me BECAUSE I knew how to steal precisely by 
reselling tickets. Why would I butcher my own drawer. 

Meanwhile Anthony was getting ready to move back to New 
York. I already knew he was a sinister junkie felon. I 
just didn’t quite understand that he would be willing to 
frame me in particular. After I had also leveled 
accusations at my three supervisors, it eventually 
became clear. In fact, I do recall him being in the box 
office while I was using the restroom. But I will never 
prove this to a skeptical reader. You might even side 
with him as a matter of course. I am merely explaining 
my rage, and a long pattern of observing sinister, 
thieving, duplicitous Jews. 

Simultaneously we were screening “The Pianist” starring 
Adrien Brody. I witnessed Anthony dressed to the gills 
after the premiere say obsequiously to his girlfriend’s 
father, “It makes me wish we could firebomb Dresden all 


over again.” Anthony, if you are reading this: I was 
thinking about killing you. Life is not over yet. Until 
then, I will know that people like Anthony can always get 
away with shit that you cannot see. I am tired of 
explaining my resentments and awareness to the typical 





I walked around after typing that shit for a while, feeling 
pissed. Everyday I’ve typed lately I become enraged 
over these old resentments. I will apply the 
considerations of the fabled Fourth Step to the people 
I’ve listed - actually to the WHY of the situations... what 
was my part? Besides being a dumbass? Hence the 
first sentence of this novella: “Back when I was a 
dumbass...” Fact check: “ When I was a dumbass, that 
was a very long time ago...” 

Then, I walked into the library and saw a book called “Cosmic 
Coincidences” by the editors of Time-Life. Pretty sure I 
grew up reading this series. But anyway, there is a 
page on eclipses. It says Anaxagorus discovered why 
eclipses occur. But who will explain the precision of 
perihelion? It also said Pindar wondered in eclipses 
portended problems for men. I decided to fact-check 
that, but then I found a biblical reference to eclipses. A 
website said: 

"On that day, says the Lord God, 

I will make the sun go down at noon 


and darken the earth in broad daylight." 

Said to refer to the solar eclipse of 15 June 763 BC. 
From: Amos, Chapter 8, verse 9 (Old Testament) 

Quoted in Encyclopaedia Britannica CD 98. 

And with that, I was Jewish. 

I’ll start out as a reconstructionist, edging towards reform, by 
next Passover I’ll be orthodox. 

Last Passover, apropos of nothing, I just happened to be 
walking down Pico in the Jewish ghetto of LA. I was 
interested in having some kosher food when I suddenly 
became aware that it was Passover. I thought it was 
almost destined that I was there precisely then. 

Do you know that G-d did not put me there specifically at that 
time? If so, how so? 

I had no idea “glitch” was a Yiddish word. 

So now I’m Jewish, and all these resentments can be written 
off. Just because they aren’t mentsh don’t mean shit. A 
chazer bleibt a chazer. And now to muse: which G-d 
did organize the moon and sun to coincide congruently 
during perihelion? 

And which morality is favored by this One? 

Where is this inscribed? 



My sponsor told me to stop writing this book. I am calling him 
my sponsor because he buys me sandwiches and 
beverages. I don’t beg for the food, but I don’t deny it 
either. “Have you heard My Story! Let me tell you all 
about My Story. It goes a long way in a pinch and really 
does the trick! My Story, available where finer stories 
are sold!” I told him how I am trying to get over the 
practice of using “My Story” as a huge rationale for why 
I can be a jerk. All these resentments and the legend of 
how they may have killed my dad just becomes this 
huge onus, but also a convenient excuse for not doing 
new and more things in my life. 

I am listening to Ratatat. Funny story about Ratatat. I played 
a show with that duo back in 2004 at Cafe Du Nord in 
San Francisco. It was the sad height of my career as 
an indie rocker. What the fuck is an indie, and why did I 
actually use that term? But in the green room there, I 
met the guy’s parents and gleened that he was 
upper-middle class and from Marin. It was a moment of 


seeing behind the curtain. Everytime I saw behind the 
curtain, I saw more and more privilege, always 
shrouded in mystique or “cool”. Looking at said dude 
chilling so suavely in the stairwell, in the company of 
some impossibly cute asian girl, I was kind of feeling 
pissed, but trying to calculate some way to get more of 
what he got. Now I’m listening to these complex 
arpeggios and loops and thinking, “this kid is a fanatic 
for psychedelica, just like we were. He is devoted to 
loops. He is so 80s”. He is no kid no more. I was just 
wikipediaing his ass and all it says is they’re from 
“Brooklyn”. What a joke, like all these magically cool 
bands just arrive fully formed “in Brooklyn”. I’m looking 
at the pictures of those two, admiring their sexy good 
looks and healthy smiles and just thinking “rich kids”. 
They were always rich kids. Who else could pay the 
PR and the journalists to tell you how cool they were? 
But it is good music to type to, and I like it. Thanks MS 
and EM. I remember Sadie and Rhianna at that show. 
Sadie was Tessa, she’s dead. I don’t know where 
Rhianna is. Her sister died of an overdose. Tessa was 
said to have jumped off a building twice before she died. 
Which is weird because this woman I was banging 
shortly after I was banging Tessa had a roommate who 
had also jumped off a building and survived, and I later 
became convinced that it was her, but I couldn’t tell at 
the time because she was all bandaged up and 
flattened. Why would the other woman display her to 
me like that? Because she was a satanic Jew 
stewardess for mercenaries, likely Blackwater in my 
opinion. Her name was Jolie. I still know her on 
Facebook. She was with me when my dad was dying, 


and I thought she was a part of cointelpro. I thought 
many of my “friends” were in cointelpro. 

Yes, my sponsor is the sane man. The sane man in Los 
Angeles. He was also a bank robber who did some 
time. The other day I discussed the complexities of my 
resentment against Anthony, and while I’d admitted to 
being a thief as well, the heart of it seemed to be that I 
was mad that he had put one over on me. He had set 
me up, I had merely stolen from this abstract, bankrupt 
corporate entity. Big difference in my opinion. When he 
told me he had been involved in a complex racket that 
amounted to being a bank robber, I began to wonder if 
he would be qualified to understand the complexities of 
my story. But about a year ago I heard him discuss 
someone who had died and he said “I just have to 
believe that he’s in heaven”. And I was pissed all day 
thinking, “funny, because I don’t have to believe in 
heaven, I just have to listen to people say bullshit like 
that all the time”. Ultimately, I fear that confessing to 
people who believe in false realities and then offer sage 
wisdom will only depress me. But I like the guy. I don’t 
want to feel cornered by the sandwiches though, I don’t 
want to feel obligated. These ideas about making 
amends to bankrupt corporations under a nation-state 
that is $18 trillion in debt seem to quaint and irrational. 
Land parcels are hyperinflated with fictitious money 
doled out by east coast oligarchs and Jews. I slept 
under a cardboard box last night in the state my great 
great great grandfather fought the Mexicans for. I’m not 
saying I necessarily feel entitled to more, only that the 
common admonitions against theft do not take into 


account the slavery we are born into. If there had been 
land that I could have grown food on or raised animals 
on, there would have been freedom. As is, I was 
surrounded by comprehensive economies that literally 
pour cement over the earth. I am willing to make 
amends, but with whose money? 

I had a happy childhood though. And I am happy to be alive. 

I’m sober today, and I feel lucky to be alive in 



I am sharing my beliefs about 9/11 with this beautiful woman I 
met online while singing karaoke. I recently found out 
she was married to a man who is a marine. I suppose I 
should capitalize the word “Marine”. Ooh-rah. I believe 
I used the term should to express obligation or duty, and 
that would be because I typically value my life and 
therefore would capitalize the word so as to not offend 
any literate jarheads. Altho, customarily I hate the word 
“should” when used to express obligation and duty, for I 
don’t really believe in obligation and duty, although I 
used to. Now I use the word “should” to express 
probability or expectation, as in “it should warm up 
around 10 am”. 

I am saving a song I came up with on Soundtrap. It goes to 
27% and then freezes, like a fake status bar. It may 
take an hour to save the song. A pain in the ass, and a 
bogus aspect of an otherwise cool-ass program. 
Nevermind, it’s done. But believe me, their status bar 
is a phony. 





Fuck books. I had to include that url to validate that google 
news in a censoring operation. They put certain 
restrictions upon web publishers. I don’t give a fuck! 

I am back to typing here with relish. My sponsor suggested I 
stop typing after I said I was becoming enraged. Then 
the next week he says, “So how’s the book coming”? 
I’ve become skeptical of whether or not i give a fuck 
about where the punctuation point and the apostrophe 
should be situated. Or why “i” should be capitalized. I 
mean why not You? Let’s all become a little less 
self-centered by capitalizing You from now on. After all, 
if it wasn’t for You, it would just be me. Unless this is 
me who is reading this. Which it will be until I publish on 
paper and put it out there. 


In my world, in my little slice of time-space, it is nearly 
Thanksgiving, 2015. It about 2 or 3 days, I’ll be 
celebrating my two year sobriety anniversary. That is 
kind of a big deal out here in sobriety land. They’ll light 
up a fake cake at my sobriety meeting and maybe sing 
Happy Birthday while forgetting my name when they’re 
supposed to sing my name - what the fuck is my name? 
Two years ago my name was John Doe. And my 
nickname was CASH. I was John Doe because i 
refused to identify when I was jailed. I was brought in in 
an orange dress with a piece of yellow police tape for a 
belt. There was a nail stuck in my shoe. I used it to 
carve CASH in big letters in the initial isolation cell. 
CASH with a backwards dollar sign substituting for the 

Right now, i am typing in WEHO and now I think of last night, 
where I was staring at this banner inside the Log Cabin 
that was made from gold and purple velvet that said 
“WEST HOLLYWOOD”. I thought, “I can’t believe I live 
in fucking HOLLYWOOD... even if it is WEST 
HOLLYWOOD”, cuz there was a time when I never 
would have lived in Hollywood or ever felt brave enough 
to call West Hollywood my home. Now i just don’t give 
a fuck. “WEHO” is basically code for “GAY”, but I am 
still stubbornly straight, mostly. I don’t actually believe 
in orientation, but I am mostly horny for females. When 
I see girls or women, I get horny. Is that a choice? 
Possibly. I think i trained myself to be hetero around 
the age of 12. Before then I had neutral boners. For 
the first year or so of non-jizzing orgasms, I had no 


fantasies of girls. Only this weird, crushing mental 
orgasm when I used the back massager on my boner. 

“Fascinating men have crafted 
Odd mobiles or drafted 
orthodox tomfoolery, 
alcohol or jewelry, 

guns oil and drugs 
or even sewery 
guns oil and drugs 
or even what I see 
guns oil and drugs 
flowers in the valley” 

thus starts my new album, CRIMINAL STARGAZER. 

The words were sung through a payphone and recorded by 
my associate. I was in Los Angeles County Jail in the 
psych ward. Twin Towers, where we wore yellow 
smocks and blue pants. “In yellow and blues” meant 


you were nucking futz and/or just chilling. Apparently 
the common inmates, who wear blue tops and blue 
pants, have to do 1000 situps and 1000 pushups 
everyday, as ordered by the racist gangs. This is a 
rumor I have not confirmed first hand. In the psych 
ward, you just chill and watch football and play cards or 
chess, reading the bible and doing the deal: three colds 
and a hold AKA three hots and a cot. I was there for 
four months. 

I got sober there in the autumn of 2013. A Marine named JD 
knocked me down with one punch. He was a Power 
greater than me. He was rumored to be charged with 
quadruple homicide. After I stopped being such a brat, 
he didn’t mess with me. I just capitalized the “I” in that 
last sentence to maintain the semblance of hetero pride. 
But truly i was a small i after he knocked me down, and 
I’m strangely gay for his fist. Without that lightning 
punch, I might not be sober today. It was that and the 
letter from my mother that urged me to try sobriety 
again. And another inmate charged with murder, Zach, 
who caused me to realize I might commit murder in 
some drug induced blackout, which was about what 
happened to him. He said, “it’s really common for guys 
to commit their crimes while coming down off meth”. I 
had actually smoked meth the day I committed my 
crime, but i don’t know if it was the cause or just the 
companion to my crime. 

Last week, the coordinated “terrorist” attacks happened in 
Paris. It was November 2015. Most truthers suspect 
another set-up. The Syrians are blamed, but I suspect it 


was GLADIO or the MOSSAD. I was just reviewing an 
interview with the NYPD cop who stopped the so-called 
“dancing Israelis” on the day of 9/11. Initially I recall him 
being dismissive of the suggestions that these young 
“art students” had actually been criminally complicit in 
the attacks of September 11th. My recollection of his 
dismissiveness had favored my dismissal of 
accusations that Zionists or the MOSSAD had been 
behind 9/11. Upon review of this interview this week, I 
heard the interviewer ask “are you aware of the 
MOSSAD”? and he says “no, what is that?” I sat there 
sadly laughing to myself about what a dumbass he is 
and how unqualified he is to judge the situation, as well 
as how uninformed he is about excellent international 
police forces. Baffling, considering Commissioner 
Bernard Kerik had been visiting Israel shortly before 

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Bernard Kerik - who announced Sunday 
September 16, 2001, that a hijacker's passport had 
been "discovered" - is indicted on 16 counts including 
Ivina, conspiracy, fraud , and taking and failing to report 
a $250.000 loan that originated with Israeli billionaire 
industrialist Eitan Wertheimer , with Brooklyn marble and 
stone merchant Shimon Cohen serving as intermediary 
in the transaction. Kerik and Wertheimer spent time 
together during Kerik's trip to Israel at the end of August 
2001. The Wertheimer family’s vast holdings include 
companies with United States Defense Department 

http://www.takeourworldback.com/911 perpstimeline.htm 



[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ |n filing the charges, prosecutors with United 
States attorney’s office declined to identify a “wealthy 
Israeli industrialist” said to have financed the loan or to 
name the “Brooklyn businessman” said to have served 
as an intermediary in the transaction, referring to them 
only as John Doe No. 7 and John Doe No. 8. 

But interviews with people who have been briefed on 
the transaction indicate that the industrialist was an 
Israeli billionaire and philanthropist, Eitan Wertheimer, 
whose family’s vast holdings include companies with 
United States Defense De partment contracts. The 
Brooklyn businessman was Shimon Cohen, a marble 
and stone merchant who has been a friend of Mr. 
Kerik’s for several years. 

http://www.nvtimes.eom/2007/11/24/nvreaion/24kerik.html? r= 



“It was so hard to tell 
what was so plain to see” 


from my song “Some Have The Eyes” recorded in Silverlake in 
front of that beat up piano that hung out there in 
2014-2015. I’m sitting on the bench playing a guitar 
given to me by a girl named Sarah, recording the song 
on my cheap LG smartphone. The video is dark and 
you might be able to make out my hooded head, but 
little else. I listen to the tune and lyrics now while 
recalling what the couplet signifies: it is so hard to 
explain that corrupt cops can plant passports to frame 
muslims for wealthy Israelis. 

They said they found a passport on a muslim terrorist in Paris 
at the Eagle of Death Metal concert. It’s like 911 all 
over again - damn the long forward slash! 9/11 is 911!!! 
a state of emergency, but you never noticed! and I’m 
crazy. No, I’m fucking sane, fool. I have the vaunted 
soundness of mind and the vaunted rigorous honesty... 
you are just sadly misinformed and have not seen the 

Unless you have. 



I’m just about ready to be done with this book. I was gonna 
say “done with this motherfucker”, but I’m feeling less 
interested in the profane. The motherfucker is your 
father, Freud. My friend is from Jersey, New Jersey. I 
get a kick out of her accent. I feel like I finally told the 
story about my dad. It wasn’t so much that I’d never 
told it before, but now I will print it out in this book and it 
will be a materialistic object that can be read by 
humans. Rebekah Roth and Chuck Maultsby will tell 
you that Zionists were behind 9/11. Tell them I think the 
Straussian Gary Wren may have tripped a line, or that 
the phony George Lakoff might’ve called in a hit on my 
family. My dad’s name was Eric Wheeler Wright, he 
was born on June 30th, 1949. He died on April 15th, 
2007 but collapsed six months earlier on or around 
October 11th, 2006. They operated on him on Friday 
the thirteenth. He died on Tax Day and he was an 
accountant. I blame actuaries and the shadow 
government. But maybe he just collapsed by 
coincidence. I told my story to a random guy I met at an 
AA meeting last week. He said, “you never know, 
maybe they did kill him”. I felt better. He knew some 
rescue workers that worked at ground zero. He said 


they said they were “blown back” by explosions that day 
and that one of them said there are things they can’t say 
or else they’ll be killed. I kind of believed him. 

I’m just less concerned with “my story” lately. I really don’t 
want to keep stewing on it all. I could talk about it a little 
more. There was a video of this female pilot who was 
supposedly ready to knock the tail off of Flight 93. The 
Huffington Post said she wouldn’t have known whether 
she’d be killing her father, who was a commercial pilot 
in flight that day... it was a classic utilitarian dilemma. 
When I heard that, I broke down and cried... for it was 
so similar to the decision I made. For the greater good I 
was willing to risk my family. And that is why I hate the 

I’m ready to have fun. My life is awesome. I’m having a blast. 
It’s November 2015. It’s nearly Thanksgiving. 


I can’t think of anything else to say. Study Rebekah Roth, 
Chuck Maultsby, Kevin Ryan, David Ray Griffin and the 


late Michael Ruppert. Watch Alex Jones’s 
INFOWARS.com. Otherwise, have fun. Typing is too 
slow, search “AOOR WOUUP SOMSOC”. I’ll be there. 

I love Jews! 





I might even call this PART TWO but that might be audacious. 
It has been a month or so. I have largely forgotten 
about all that rage about my dad and stuff that might 
have happened. Lately I am happy and free. A little 
cold, but doing hecka great. It is December sixteenth, 
2015. I wished my Jewish friends a Happy Hanukkah 
and now I’m ready to face Christmas. I recently went 
walking through the Hollywood Hills to look at a lot that 
is listed at $15,000. I met a woman who lived near the 
lot and she broke down all the politics and easement 
issues. It was a good lesson, and I had prepped by 
researching enough so I knew how to understand what 
was up. In the future, there may be an Elusive Ave. 
Now, the road is not even built. 


I want to feel like part two of this book is how at peace I am 
now and maybe I can talk about how much I loved my 
father. I think part one will have been rage, this will be 
acceptance, and part three will be pink and green: 
pussy and money. Just kidding that I’m just kidding. 

I am not fond of typing. I usually do audio recordings 
nowadays and this feels incredibly slow. Bruce Wagner 
comes to mind. And how he wrote Maps To The Stars 
and recently interviewed Lana Del Rey AKA Elizabeth 
Grant and how she’s a ho for vintage Rolls Royces and 
how they probably go to exclusive recovery meetings 
that I’ll never get invited to and how the central 
characters in MTTS as adapted by Cronenberg were a 
married brother and sister and how these two Jews 
down in the West Hollywood recovery room are brother 
and sister and they look like they control Sony and have 
“total information awareness” and now I’m wondering if 
Bruce Wagner was writing about them??? 

How MTTS was the only movie I paid to watch in a theater in 
2015 after watching a pirated version of “The Interview” 
on my iPhone while camping in Chinatown under an 
translucent tarp exactly about last year. I went to $6 
“student of life” Tuesdays at the Sunset 5 to see MTTS 
in February 2015. I’ve taken to hashtagging it “MTTS” 
because it is a profound reference point to how I 
understand Hollywoodland. 

The first movie I may have seen was “The Shining” by Stanley 
Kubrick. I was about five, sitting on my dad’s lap at 


1301 M. Street in Eureka, California. My parents were 
still married. I bet my dad was half drunk, but I don’t 
know. The twins came on and I was terrified. I 
remember my mom yelling at my dad that I was too 
young to watch the movie. I bore a resemblance to the 
young boy actor in the movie, my dad bore a 
resemblance to the maniacal Jack Nicholson, and my 
mom bore a resemblance to the slender Shelley Duvall? 
yes I remembered her name - right-click search. 

I just read a front page Jew York Times about Beverly Hills & 
Bel Air hill properties. It would have been 12/15/2015. 
Do me a favor and go read that article and watch Maps 
To The Stars. I read about the two cops of 90210 who 
got killed on Loma Vista Drive and I wondered if it was 
some sort of mob thing. Maybe they cut the brakes on 
the cement truck. And maybe I just have a creative 
imagination, or maybe that’s a good question. But 
maybe that’s a bad question. 

Had to switch computers... but my narrative is still safe and 
sound here in google docs cyberspace. Only 
spellcheck is not automatic. Yeah it is, nevermind. 

Now I’m in the mood to type... but I’m in the mood to type for 
Johnny. Because Johnny is a dad and an actor and he 
looks like he good benefit from my psychotic sense of 
humor. HA HA. but also, i saw a meme on facebook 


that said “I put the HOT in PSYCHOTIC.” and typing is 
so useless with upper and lower cases and quote marks 
and punctuation traditions, keep it reel, keep it going, 
reel in reeling. 

my dad was black haired, my mom was black haired. I believe 
my first memory was when there was a crash in the 
kitchen and my mom swept me up and hid me in my 
dark bedroom. Later I saw my dad kicking the music 
box Fiddler on the Roof. It was a porcelain apparatus 
that played some Fiddler on the Roof song when wound 
up. It was white and auburn, or brown. He was kicking 
it in the kitchen, he was wasted. I thought he was a 
monster dad. My mom held me inside her arms and we 
hid in the dark and she said shhh quiet. 

when I would run into their bedroom, I knew not to wake my 
dad, but I could wake my mom, but I couldn’t tell who 
was who, one was monster dad and one was mom. I 
have a lot of memories after that of the house and the 
yard, and they are strengthened by the photographs. 

peeing in a plastic zipup container because dad was taking a 
shower and I wasn’t allowed in there when he was 
showering, pooping in the bathtub and my mom being 
mad. falling into a toychest that was shaped like a 
caboose and getting stuck and unable to cry out 
because I was doubled up. Nearly drowning in a 
mudpit. or not, maybe just sitting in a mudpit. Then the 
trauma of being trapped by the babysitter while my 
sister was being born. I was home while my parents 
were away and the babysitter pinned me to the ground 


and put here legs over my back to keep my from 
scampering around. I believe I was yelling “it’s not fair! 
it’s not fair!”. I was three. Three years and 25 days I 
must’ve been. Not a terrible trauma, but I HATED 
feeling trapped. I was helplessly pinned by these 


But you do have some idea, do you not? 

As we enter part two of this old saga, let us commence to be 
warm... as two friends who have seen enough together 
that they may loosen up and get real. And may I 


admonish myself for my previous tone? After all, you 
already knew all that shit didn’t you? You knew 
Silverstein was the bagman, you knew about Bill Kristol 
and Harvey Mansfield. You analyzed the Stratfor leak, 
you knew about Project Minerva, Operation 
Northwoods, Garden Plot, Artichoke. 

I think I will return to previous teases, like why would I pee on 
my dad’s grave? And why would I sleep in a 
graveyard? Were they the same graveyards you’re 
probably not wondering? Yes they were not. All of 
earth is a graveyard... 

I’m thinking about applying to Oxford. It was where Bill Clinton 
went. I often think Bill was the bastard son of Winthrop 
Rockefeller and he may have had a direct hand in Mena 
drug dealing, but those are both speculative inquiries of 
differing potential. 

meta. I mean, Dang, I got caught up in watching my 
new show META. 

You are welcome to be smarter than me and Robert Bowman. 

My dad was kind of a jerk. He bullied me once and I didn’t 

And I lived in Evergreen Cemetery. If you kill me there, I’ll 
already be dead. 

My family, the Drehers, are buried there. 



I feel my life can be summarized by the lyrics to “Comme 
d’habitude”. In fact, I was surprised to learn today more 
about this song that was bought by Paul Anka and 
made into “My Way” for Frank Sinatra. Dare I say “My 
Way” is sometimes revered as the most manly song of 
dignified modern American independence. To think it is 
not even American or authentic. Wikipedia said that 
Paul Anka bought the rights for a dollar. But another 
story is just another story. I searched the French lyrics 
on google and found they were nothing like the story of 
“My Way”. Instead they seemed to be about a man who 
was telling the story of his lady lover and how cool and 
aloof she was to him. So in fact, my life cannot be 
summed up by the lyrics to “Comme d’habitude”, but 
instead to see myself as one vain male striving 
endlessly to be cool and find some cool chick. I was 
taught to admire Kerouac and later Brigitte Bardot. 

A right-click search reveals that she was reportedly 5’ 7”. 


Directly in front of moi is Adele. I see her face on a building 
on Sunset Blvd. I guess it is her. Full face offset by 30 
degrees, looking slim, but I estimate it would be a fuller 
face if I looked at it square on. I’m guessing she is 1000 
to 2000 yards from moi. 

And ten or fifteen yards in front of me is the red white and 
blue. Above the Californian Republic. 

I know of Adele principly because I use YOUTUBE to hold and 
display my videos. As I login to YOUTUBE, I am 
suggested to watch the acts they put on the splash 
page. Often they remind me of Jimmy Fallon. They 
remind me of the latest Jew movie. Now it’s Starbucks I 
was going to type, but of course Star Wars, directed by 
Jew Jew Abrahms and starring Carrie Jew Fisher and 
Harrison Jew Ford. 

As Harvey Mansfield describes the esoteric style of writing, 
the philosopher writes for his or her present audience, 
but also for the future eternal audience: posterity. I wish 
not to be troubled by the present audience, and often 
feel this exercise is bound to only cause reaction that is 
going to impede my serenity. 

I fathom producing a copy for the sane man in Los Angeles. 

I fathom producing a copy for my old friend who has moved to 


Yet he has not sent me his holiday tidings, nor his address, 
nor his invitation for any housewarming party that may 
or may not have occurred. 

By now and earlier I was going to adopt the tone of 
Dostoyevsky’s “underground man” and say I DONT 

but i do, to a degree. To which of the 360 degrees? 

To which of the 365 degrees? 

well 50 degrees to the north east goes Adele’s face, like a 
skinny fat face on Instascam and doodley fuckin do, 
search “322” skull and bones grand meridian. 

but don’t. 

As if I was concerned about you, I would email you this google 
doc and not make a paper book, for it is easier to do a 
right-click search while on a cyber doc than it is to type 
it into a computer. 

altho the data coming back from 322 skull and bones grand 
meridian is specious. Ted Gunderson. Ted Gunderson 
is specious. 

but can i break it down for you? 

lucifer is latin for venus and venus makes a pentagram every 
8 years if the orbit is traced and plotted // it has been 
said // 


yale and skull and bones are on a meridian // a line that goes 
through DC // to where // cork and knights templar. 

nah that sounds like poppycock 

I’ll tell you the rest later, but the circumference of the circle 
that encloses the diameter of the earth added to the 
diameter of the moon is said to be equal to the 
perimeter of the square that boxes the earth. 

in fact, fuck it, i’m stealing the graphic. 



the pentagram of venus involves 


Pentagram of Venus 

The pentagram of Venus. Earth is positioned 
at the center of the diagram, and the curve 
represents the direction and distance of Venus as 
a function of time. 

The pentagram of Venus is the path that 
Venus makes as observed from Earth . 
Successive inferior conjunctions of Venus repeat 
very near a 13:8 orbital resonance (Earth orbits 8 
times for every 13 orbits of Venus), shifting 144° 
upon sequential inferior conjunctions. The 
resonance 13:8 ratio is approximate. 8/13 is 
approximately 0.615385 while Venus orbits the 
Sun in 0.615187 years. 






THE GOLDEN RATIO IS 1.61803398875 

<P = 

1 + v/5 

= 1 . 6180339887 , 

Fig. 2. Golden Proportion in the Pentagram 

So by now, you are prolly all wha dafuq and hoo dafuq cares 
and all? 

i might as well throw some greek at your ass 


well the Pythagoreans discovered that that 
approximately 2.618/1.618=1.618/1 

but precisely, the arms of the pentagram hold “the golden 

long to middle equals middle to short 
give i a fuck if you compute? 

so lo and fucking behold why did the first synagogue of los 
angeles have a pentagram in the window? 

I was reading a Jewish calendar distributed by Ralph’s 
supermarket and lo and behold i was stunned when i 
saw the first synagogue 

and i have myself on video as i first beheld that! 

and here is a high quality picture of that 

guessing I’ll be reformatting it in the printed version of this IF 







And to whom would I wish to comcom? communicate to? 

yet I knew I wished to reveal my love for my father. 

yet i knew i wished to reveal my love for my father. 

yet i knew my dad was a monster, but not as bad of a monster 
as other dads. 

and like a troubled cool dude trying to make lemonade out of 


i chose to turn my story into something i could sell. 

like when i was a kid in eureka California and my dad took me 
to hobart browns and i got to play the business game 
LEMONADE on the commodore, it taught you supply 
and demand within this little algorithm and dad and 
HOBART talked about VIETNAM 

i never had a lemonade stand but i got to play LEMONADE 
and pretend like i was in business... 

i jumped out of a tree over and over when i was five and my 
neighbor did too and then he broke his toenail off and 
went bleeding home and once my mom saved his 
brother from nearly drowning in the pond, they were 
stoners. the mom was stoned, i would swing off the 
rope and land in the hay until one day i landed and it 
really hurt, i didnt know what hurt was but i was 
shocked and uncomfortable and aching because there 
was less hay that day. 

and all the lessons we learned about look before you leap 


DONT LEAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

BUT WHATabout when i was about 12 and i was following this 
dumbass and behaving like a dumbass and the next 
thing i knew i was awaking and i had to go to the 
hospital because i had crashed my bike because i had 
ridden over this huge root and i thought id fly over it like 


in a video game no problem, had to keep learning, but 
then i felt cool cuz i had all these gnarly scabs and i 
didnt have to swim in the early mornings anymore. 

well back to how much i loved my dad for a night happy paart 
two for all the nice happy people out there and the 
triumphant arc from RAGE TO ACCEPTANCE TO 














[Bob Bowman was very vocal about 9/11 and disputed the 
official version of events. He said " The truth about 9/11 
is that we don’t KNOW the truth about 9/11", and "if they 
have nothing to hide, why are they hiding everything?" 
The latter was referring to what he believed to be the 
hiding of videotapes of whatever had hit the pentagon 
and the black boxes from the planes] 









i just finished JOHNDOEHOBO. check this in the future: 

i CANT LISTEN to my raps while I’m typing, so I searched for 
JOHNDOEHOBO on google and came up with the 
instros on archive, circa 2016. 


happy new year, it is January 5th, 2016 and i am seriously 
having a tough time deciding how to reinvent 
capitalization, it is a tuesday and i just thought about 
hucking this bitchs bag off the side of the walkway 
because shes been fuckin wwith me for far too long, i 
like this betterr it is just commin as in comcom in 
communicatin. it is good for silent comcomin. al queda 
isis bombs boom new york jews synagogue, hi fbi, i 
was just remmembering what i can and cannot type and 
it was already a haystack a long long time ago. 

but besides THAT we’re all free to comcom all we want, right 
jews? sergie and larry. sergelarry. 

so as to comcom// what is da point to comcom// to convey 
particular vernac contemporaneously to your niggas? 
SHUT THE TRAP////////// OR TO FOSSILIZE old words 



O T □ • Oi 111:51 AM 

1 response 

John Metta in Childr 

Dec 8 • 2 min read 

Snow Clerestory 

The trees have places that they 

Cast over hillside’s swale and dell. 
It’s as if all the species know 
Whence they came, where seed 
ought to dwell. 

Read more... 


1 response Q 

John Metta 

Nov 30 • 3 min read 

You wrote: 

Katherine Reaume Meyer 



O? at 

O % ^ ill ■ 11:48 AM 

The reality of America is that White 
people are fundamentally good, 
and so when a white person 
commits a crime, it is a sign that 
they, as an individual, are bad. 

Their actions as a person are not 
indicative of any broader social 
construct. Even the fact that 
America has a growing number of 
violent hate groups, populated 
mostly by white men, and that 
nearly "all* serial killers are white 
men can not shadow the 
fundamental truth of white male 
goodness. In fact, we like White 
serial killers so much, we make 
mini-series about them. 

Q 677 £7 [1 9 



* Y' , Jalien Adrian 

10 hrs • 

Referring to an all white cast of Lord of the 
Rings „ "even when we make shit up we want it 
to be white." 

Eloquently stated points. 



Why I don't talk about race with White people 


10 Likes • 5 Comments 

Like p Comment ^ Share 

Jalien Adrian shared a link. 

18 hrs • 



0 T 

Q 0 O % 

I 11:50 AM 


| https://medium.com/( 

0 : 

I# Q, ( Sign up 

John Metta 

I’m a writer. I pretty much 
live in a notebook with my 
fountain pen. I also write 
poetry that makes computers 
do stuff. 

349 Following 3.3K Followers 

^ Follow ^ 

Editor of Children Stories 




















I have recently become acquainted with another man in 
WEH090210. I will call him the insane man as an 
antithesis to the sane man. I will try not to imagine the 
Bugliosoing of moi. You know, that means the framing 
of a crazy fuck: the Bugliosing or Bugliosoing. I just 
picked up a book about language that describes 
“parallel” rhetoric. To quote, “If two or more ideas are 
parallel, they are easier to grasp when expressed in 
parallel grammatical form. Single words should be 
balanced with single words, phrases with phrases, 
clauses with clauses. . . Writers often use parallelism to 
create emphasis.” [p. Ill of some fuckin book by a 
fuckin dumbass who typed SHOULD about language.] 



c. 1200, from Old English sceolde, past tense of sceal 
(see shall ). Preserves the original notion of 
"obligation" that has all but dropped from shall. 

shoulder (v.) 

c. 1300, "to push with the shoulder," from shoulder (n.). 
Meaning "take a burden" first recorded 1580s. 

The military sense is from 1590s. Related: 
Shouldered; shouldering. 

cold shoulder (n.) 

1816, in the figurative sense of "icy reception," first in 
Sir Walter Scott, probably originally a literal figure, 
but commonly used with a punning reference to 
"cold shoulder of mutton," considered a poor 


man's dish and thus, perhaps, something one 
would set out for an unwanted guest with 
deliberate intention to convey displeasure. 

How often have we admired the poor knight, who, to 
avoid the snares of bribery and dependence, was 
found making a second dinner from a cold 
shoulder of mutton, above the most affluent 
courtier, who had sold himself to others for a 
splendid pension! ["No Fiction," 1820] 
























Guaka is a monicker for Kasper Souren. 

I started Deletionpedia v2. 

I was a very active editor of Wikipedia back from 2003 to around 
2006, with thousands of edits on my name. Afterwards I've 
started quite a few wikis about various topics. 

Deletionism has been a big reason for me to contribute less to 
Wikipedia. It's quite frustrating to see work you've done 
might be deleted if you don't participate in discussions with 
people who often have a lot of time on their hands are mostly 
discussing for the sake of discussing. 

Leave a message on my talk page or contact me at kasper.re. contact 

Some more projects I work on: 

• Hitchwiki 

• moneyless.org 

• wiki.yt 






HEAD of the FBI’s Anthrax Investigation Says the Whole 
Thing Was a SHAM 

Posted on April 17, 2015 bv WashinatonsBIoa _ 

Agent In Charge of Amerithrax Investigation Blows the 

The FBI head agent in charge of the anthrax investigation - 
Richard Lambert - has just filed a federal whistleblower 
lawsuit calling the entire FBI investigation bullshit: 








Ta#£ P^amcjuy H Q W 

Death To Africa 
DtA7tf To hf\/\£L 

15 «^£4T 

0 ^- 11-01 

J CAN NOT S T o P u$. 

we HA^e this anthrax. 
‘ ou 01 £ Now. 

^ R £ Vou AFP A > 0 ? 

Death to Amcrka. 

Death to Israel. 

Amah is tfREAT. 



mo dus op-e-ran-di 
i modes lape'rande/ 

noun: modus operandi; plural noun: modi operandi 

1. a particular way or method of doing 
something, especially one that is 
characteristic or well-established. 

2. "the volunteers were instructed to buy 
specific systems using our usual modus 
operandi—anonymously and with cash" 

1 . 


method (of working), 
wav . MO . manner . 
technique , style , procedure . 
approach . methodology . 
strategy , plan , formula : 
fo/ma /praxis 
"his modus operandi: 
study the market, follow the 
trends and patterns, then 
make an informed decision" 

o the way something operates or works. 


Elliott Abrams, a former Reagan-era Assistant Secretary of 
State for Inter-American Affairs. During the Iran/Contra 
scandal, Abrams pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor 
counts of lying to Congress but was later pardoned by 
the first Bush administration. He subsequently became 
president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He is 
currently a member of Bush's National Security Council. 

Gary Bauer, a Republican presidential candidate in 2000, who 
currently is president of an organization named 
American Values. 

William J. Bennett, who served during the Reagan and first 
Bush administrations as U.S. Secretary of Education 
and Drug Czar. Upon leaving government office, 
Bennett became a "distinguished fellow" at the 
conservative Heritage Foundation, co-founded 
Empower America, and established himself as a 
self-proclaimed expert on morality with his authorship of 
The Book of Virtues. 

Jeb Bush, the son of former President George Herbert Walker 
Bush and brother of current President George W. Bush. 
At the time of PNAC's founding, Jeb Bush was a 
candidate for the Florida governor's seat, a position 
which he currently holds. 

Dick Cheney, the former White House Chief of Staff to Gerald 
R. Ford, six-term Congressman, and Secretary of 
Defense to the first President Bush, was serving as 
president of the oil-services giant Halliburton Company 
at the time of PNAC's founding. He subsequently 
became U.S. vice president under George W. Bush. 

Eliot A. Cohen, a professor of strategic studies at John 
Hopkins University 


Paula Dobriansky, vice president and director of the 
Washington office of the Council on Foreign Relations. 
Currently Dobriansky serves in the Bush administration 
as Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs. 

Steve Forbes, publisher, billionaire, and Republican 
presidential candidate in 1996 and 2000. Forbes has 
also campaigned actively on behalf of the "flat tax," 
which would reduce the federal tax burden for wealthy 
individuals like himself. 

Aaron Friedberg, professor of politics and international affairs; 
Director, Center of International Studies; Director, 
Research Program in International Security, Woodrow 
Wilson School, Princeton University. 

Francis Fukuyama, author of The End of History and the Last 
Man; Dean of the Faculty and Bernard L. Schwartz 
Professor of International Political Economy at the Paul 
H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies 
(SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University. Appointed to the 
President's Council on Bioethics by George W. Bush, 
January 2002. 

Frank Gaffney - conservative columnist; founder and president 
of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C. 
Web-site: http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/ 

Fred C. Ikle, "distinguished scholar" at the Center for Strategic 
and International Studies 

Donald Kagan, professor of history and classics at Yale 
University and the author of books including While 
America Sleeps: Self-Delusion, Military Weakness, and 
the Threat to Peace Today; A Twilight Struggle: 
American Power and Nicaragua, 1977-1990; and The 
Origins of War and the Preservation of Peace. Kagan is 
also a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for 


International Peace, a contributing editor at the Weekly 
Standard and a Washington Post columnist, a member 
of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Alexander 
Hamilton fellow in American diplomatic history at 
American University. Past experience includes: Deputy 
for Policy in the State Department's Bureau of 
Inter-American Affairs (1985-1988); State Department's 
Policy Planning Staff member (1984-1985); 
speechwriter to Secretary of State George P. Shultz 
(1984-1985); foreign policy advisor to Congressman 
Jack Kemp (1983); Special Assistant to the Deputy 
Director of the United States Information Agency (1983); 
Assistant Editor at the Public Interest (1981). 

Zalmay Khalilzad, an Afghan-American who was the only 
Muslim among the group's original signatories and the 
only signatory who was not a native-born U.S. citizen. 
Khalilzad has became the Bush administration's special 
envoy to Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban as well 
as is special envoy to the Iraqi opposition to Saddam 
Hussein. Khalilzad has written about information 
warfare, and in 1996 (in pre-Taliban days), he served as 
a consultant to the oil company Unocal Corporation 
(UNOCAL) regarding a "risk analysis" for its proposed 
pipeline project through Afghanistan and Pakistan. 

William Kristol, PNAC's chairman, is also editor of the Weekly 
Standard, a Washington-based political magazine. His 
past involvements have included: lead of the Project for 
the Republican Future, chief of staff to Vice President J. 
Danforth Quayle, chief of staff to Secretary of Education 
William J. Bennett under the Reagan administration, 
taught politics at the University of Pennsylvania and 
Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. 


I. Lewis Scooter Libby, who later became chief of staff for Vice 

President Dick Cheney. 

Norman Podhoretz, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and 
author of works such as Patriotism and its Enemies. 

J. Danforth Quayle, former vice president under President 

George Herbert Walker Bush and a presidential 
candidate himself in 1996. 

Peter W. Rodman, who served in the State Department and 
the National Security Council under Presidents Ronald 
Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush, became the 
current Bush administration's Assistant Secretary of 
Defense for International Security affairs in 2001. 

Stephen P. Rosen, Beton Michael Kaneb Professor of 
National Security and Military Affairs at Harvard 

Henry S. Rowen was president of the RAND Corporation from 
1967-1972. He served under former presidents Reagan 
and Bush as chairman of the National Intelligence 
Council (1981-83) and Assistant Secretary of Defense 
for International Security Affairs (1989-91). He currently 
holds the title of "senior fellow" at the Hoover Institution 
on War, Revolution and Peace 

Donald H. Rumsfeld served former President Gerald R. Ford 
as chief of transition after Richard M. Nixon's 
resignation, later becoming Ford's chief of staff and 
secretary of defense from 1974-75. He subsequently 
served from 1990-93 as CEO of General Instrument 
Corporation and later as Chairman of the Board of 
Gilead Sciences, a pharmaceutical company. In 1998 
he served as chairman of the bi-partisan US Ballistic 
Missile Threat Commission. Under President George W. 


Bush, he once again assumed the post of Secretary of 

Vin Weber, a former Republican congressman from 
Minnesota, is now a well-connected lobbyist who has 
represented such firms as AT&T, Lockheed Martin and 
Microsoft. Weber is also vice chairman of Empower 
America and a former fellow of the Progress and 
Freedom Foundation. 

George Weigel, a Roman Catholic religious and political 
commentator, is a "senior fellow" at the Ethics and 
Public Policy Center. 

Paul Dundes Wolfowitz, formerly Dean and Professor of 
International Relations at the Paul H. Nitze School of 
Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins 
University, became Undersecretary of Defense for 
President George W. Bush in 2001. 



THIS IS ALL OLD NEWS. Robert Bowman is dead. Michael 
Ruppert is dead. 

modus operandi (n.) 

"way of doing or accomplishing," 1650s, Latin, literally "mode 
of operating" (see modus). Abbreviation m.o. is attested 
from 1955. 





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REMIND ME TO tell you my theories about Louis Lyman 
Lemnitzer (LLL). 





Lemnitzer retired from the military in July 1969. His 14-year 
tenure as a four star general on active duty is the 
longest in the history of the U.S. Army. In 1975, 
President Ford appointed Lemnitzer to the Commission 
on CIA Activities within the United States (aka the 
Rockefeller Commission) to investigate whether the 
Central Intelligence Agency had committed acts that 
violated US laws, and allegations that E Howard Hunt 
and Frank Sturgis (of Watergate fame) were involved in 
the assassination of John F. Kennedy . 















People, I just want to be done with this book. I was going to 
type, “Man, I just want to be done with this book”, but 
then I was all, nah — I gotta start saying “people” 
instead of “man” because I am trying to include the 
hypothesis that females might receive this data as well 
as my male friends. I am working on my website lately. 
Typing the qwerty keyboard in certain ways, right-click 
copy and pasting, clicking on the mouse to upload 
sections of code to program a music player and order 
paywalls for bitcoin purchase. For more info on that, 
find me on the web circa 2016. 

Back to the archaic form of text, altho realizing distribution will 
be most effectively achieved by sending you a pdf link 
or html webpage. Therefore, the typed text has at least 
two general applications: to be a paper book and to be 
digital text. I look most forward to the paper book, altho 
I have seen my own printouts of previous chapters and I 
have also downloaded a pdf onto my portable computer 
AKA a phone. 

I have a “phone” but I do not pay a cellular bill. I often used it 
to videochat with my girlfriend Jess. The Facebook app 
Messenger allows for free voice calls, free video calls 
and free texting. I try to inform humans about why this 
is useful, but humans like my mom and the sane man in 
Los Angeles don’t seem to understand why I would 
want to use this free service, or why they would want to. 
Typically it is a metaphorical uphill battle to inform. 
Period. To inform. Which really was the metaphorical 
kernel for why I was metaphorically on the fence about 
whether I even wanted to “write” my story. 


i JUST got cockblocked by YouJewb again. Well, at least their 
algorithms are swift. They blocked 

Want All of It - Ying Blazin 
Sound recording 

• TuneCore 

• On behalf of: Hot Bangers Productions 

So much for HIP HOP. 


I would love to go on a diatribe about all the problems with 
YouPube, but I have done that for years in my audio 
archives. They do not pay me to make them better, 
they ignore me. I recently found out the currently 
selected CEO is a Jew. Susan Woj something. Out of 
respect to her, I won’t specifically ridicule her, but she is 
the sister-in-law to one of the two Jews who founded 
Joogle AKA Google. So Jews run Facebook, Google 
and YouTube. She seems like a kind of dumb Jew 
female, but I haven’t studied her enough, to type that 
without remorse. I don’t have respect for her. Is that 
not a clear case of nepotism? And do not many people 
typically dislike nepotistic arrangements for their clear 
opposition to more favored meritocratic arrangements? 
These are the mores of our age. EVERY 




New historical research shows there's no evidence that Walt 
Disney was a rabid anti-Semite, according to a new 

The cartoon pioneer's legacy has been dogged by claims that 
he was biased against Jews. However, biographers and 
filmmakers who recently re-examined the subject are 
calling those allegations into question. 

It's "absolutely preposterous to call him anti-Semitic," 
composer Richard Sherman said Sunday, commenting 
on a new PBS American Experience documentary that 
will air next month. 


On a personal note, I realized one of my ideological 
antagonists has Jewed himself into a nice position in 
post-production with a Silverstein. Did Jew get a good 
job Jew? Keep on hating on WHITE MALES. I never 
really knew why he hated white males so much, 
because I knew he was a fat white male. I didn’t realize 
he was a JEW. It seems the Jews often do not think of 


themselves as white, so then they are able to HATE 
WHITE MALES without seeing a contradiction. More on 
that when I’m not typing for the goyim who will react to 
my statements with hostility. Again, it is not WORTH 
the trouble to type what I have seen. Each paper copy 
of this book will be priced at $100 TO START. 



I was just thinking about getting censored by a court of law for 
using the image above. Donald Duck reading Mein 
Kampf. And now i am uploading a bunch of good 
videos into archive, and why capitalize, why 
capitulate? why spell “correctly”? 

And why insist to myself that this book should be 200 pages? 
I’ve already given them a lifetimes worth of questions 
and a bunch of data, no possesive apostrophe in 
spoken Engrish, why in written engrish? 

i wanted this section to be about my love of my dad. all the 
happy lovely memories, and then part three would be 
where i execute all my enemies and take the throne. 

i have a memory for you and then maybe i’ll be done, after all 
i’m not getting paid to do this, and i have already 
determined the returns of this to be unknown to me. 
unlikely to amount to squat, i only wanted to print out a 
book so i could say i had written a book, but of course i 
havent written jack, jus typed and pasted some shit. 

ah, it feels so good to not give a fuck, my old friend said, 
“you’ve still got to write the great american novel.” but 
he meant The Great American Novel, i thought that 
would be kind of cool, but guess what, which Jew is 
going to publish this for me? I’m not planning to go on 
Oprah to “discuss” my book, and my new friend, who 
I’ve already undercut by giving him a comic name (the 
sane man) says he thinks it’s good to finish this book, 
they would be my first two readers. I could ask them to 


pay me. They’ve both paid me — or given me money 
— in the recent past, and so I feel obligated, and 
hence this is the function of PROPER punctuation, to 
defer to AUTHORITYs and to submit. TO SUBMIT. 
May I submit to you? may i humbly request an 
opportunity to submit to You? 

i’ll always give a fuckk. 

One day when I was about twelve or fourteen, I approached 
my dad. I said, “Dad do you really believe in Jesus?” 

He looked at me and sneered and said “YEEESSSS.” in one 
of the most nasty, sarcastic voices I have ever heard. 

I had asked with absolute humility. 

I was completely in need of clarity as to why so many 
intelligent people seemed to ridicule Christianity. I could 
explain more, there weren’t too many happy memories. 

To cherish my father would be for The Great American Novel. 

After all, when I chose to type the truth about 9/11, and I 
chose to risk my family against the shadow government, 
maybe I didn’t give a full fuck about them anymore 
because I already knew they were wastes. 

The innocent muslim children being killed in Iraq and 
Afghanistan meant more to me. But I also might not 
have thought the mercenaries would strike. 


The other night, I almost believed that nothing sinister 
happened to my dad. 

Did I mention Richard Lambert? 

the problem with this operation is that the readers are typically 
unqualified to understand my emotions, because they 
do not have the background data to understand why I 
have certain emotions. 

then the truism is that “this is your job as a writer” 


The term "Great American Novel" derives from the title of an 
essay m by American Civil War novelist John William De 
Forest . More broadly, however, the concept originated 


in American nationalism and the call for American 
counterparts to great British authors . [ c,tefef?needed ] 

In modern usage, the term is often figurative and represents a 
canonical writing, a literary benchmark emblematic of 
what defines American literature in a given era. Aspiring 
writers of all ages, but especially students, are often 
said to be driven to write "the Great American Novel". 
Theoretically, such is, presumably, the greatest 
American book ever written, or which could ever be 
written. Thus, "Great American Novel" is a metaphor for 
identity, a Platonic ideal that is not achieved in any 
specific texts, but whose aim writers strive to mirror in 
their work. [ c,fafefi needed \ 


What do you like best about Google Drive?

That I’m currently hosting the majority of video evidence that will be used to prosecute the Neocons for the crime of the century, 9/11.  Think Nuremberg meets Ustream, complete with guillotines or horses that will quarter the treasonous basterds in public squares.  What’s up bitches.  Welcome to thenewmainstream.tk

no, this is not domestic terrorism, it is the lawful and orderly announcement of current proceedings of a new and open court that transcends your colluded, landed and obsolete courts.

Conclusion of Gallop v. Cheney + Affidavit of Evidence


from Bill Veale’s blog: 



[audio http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/fci2n824db/bill.veale.case.mp3]



This is probably a little here-and-there theft from the book which has made its way to the publisher.  If it ever escapes from there, this can act as advertising.  The book details my charge into the valley of death in pursuit of 9/11 Truth.  I survived, but Mother Truth has not done so well.  A kind of natural period having been placed at the end of the sentence with the Supreme Court’s denial of our Petition for Certiorari, it seems an apt moment to sum up, for anyone who cares.

When last I felt the urge to set it down, we had been sanctioned $15,000 for appealing the dismissal of our lawsuit, Gallop v. Cheney, Rumsfeld and Myers, which accused those three of complicity in the attacks of 9/11.  For those reading such words for the first time, for God’s sake, don’t turn away now, unless you simply know yourself well enough to be certain that physical malady will shortly arrive if you continue.  There is so much evidence at this point that literally no one will deign to debate the question.  No one.  And if anyone thinks I am wrong, please do all you can to prove me so, because if there is one thing that I will likely die grieving for the lack of, it is any sentient human to be required to answer the questions which I have posed to two courts, fifty +/- journalists, and the world in general too many times to feel comfortable acknowledging.

We were sanctioned by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, the second highest court in the country, in a virtually unprecedented way, on the court’s own motion, which means the United States Attorney, our opponent, had no part in the initiation of those sanctions.  The Panel issuing them included Judge John Walker who is the first cousin once removed of former President George W. Bush, which certainly feels wrong and looks wrong, everything else to the side.  President Bush would be an unindicted co-conspirator at the very best for him, had I any sway or say at the Department of Justice.

We were sanctioned for filing a frivolous appeal to a frivolous lawsuit.  If you are a lawyer, few more devastating things can be said about you than that you have wasted the court’s time with frivolous claims.  So, where is my embarrassment?  Why in the world publicize the fact?  How about a little dignity, or the self respect that comes from the recognition and acknowledgment of error?  Where, why, and how, indeed.

I guess because the very last thing I am, is wrong, and my hope is for people to see that and want to act.  I have known with certainty the matters that I alleged, long before I made the allegations.  That was the least that I had to require of myself.  Hobbes(?) asserted that outrageous or unusual claims require more than the normal amounts of proof.  I have had that fact pointed out to me by really brilliant people since I first ran into this trouble, and have taken the admonition as seriously as I possibly can.  So I didn’t need to be told by anyone that I was right.  I had put in the hours, read the books and scholarly articles, hired the experts, questioned what witnesses I could with 3 decades of experience in cross-examination at my disposal.  Only then did I take the most serious action available to me.  I accused of mass murder and treason, publicly and in court documents, three of the most powerful people on the planet.

Even though that necessary certainty had been achieved long before, in a sick sort of way, I was gratified to have the federal courts of this country, or two of them, concede the facts, in the only way they were ever going to, by ignoring them.  They have yet to mention the smallest part of the legion of assertions that we have made in our Complaint and in our various filings in response to the Government’s, or the Courts’ actions.  Every one of these documents and the Courts’ decisions are available at 911justice.com.

I am tired of citing the most egregious example, but it is required if the proper flavor is to be appreciated.  We and the world have a witness to what Vice President Cheney was doing and saying at the crucial times that morning in the person of Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta.  The long and short of it is that Cheney was heard giving orders about the plane that was heading for the Pentagon, that played such a pivotal, if controversial, role in the attacks.  The most obvious interpretation of the orders, given the absence of Boards of Inquiry and demotions afterwards, is that Cheney ordered the plane to proceed unmolested by Pentagon defenses just before the devastation occurred.  In other words, Cheney did what he could to ensure that the plane continued on its path so that the plan of the attack could succeed.

Whether Mineta was accurate in all he said–it should be noted that he has been given more than one opportunity to correct the record, which includes his testimony to the 9/11 Commission, and hasn’t–is beside the point when it comes to the actions of the courts involved.  The accusations we made must by law be addressed by any court considering dismissing the lawsuit based upon those claims.  But that didn’t happen, leaving a pronounced, unmistakable hole where reason should have been.  As we have written elsewhere, it is as if, upon review of a liquor store hold-up indictment, the reviewing party were to fail to take note of the entry into the store of the defendant, gun drawn.  It was as bold and bald as that.  If this were all just some sort of strange delusion- the concept advanced by the court in the same documents which allege bad faith on my part- the delusional facts should be cited, with supporting argument.  Not in this world; not as this game is played; not by these who play it, possessed of the power to destroy with their very words.  The absolute last thing that government agents are going to do is mention the supporting evidence that we cite.  For those schooled in the law, in fact for pretty much anybody, the omission says it all.
But, some have said and thought, wasn’t Osama Bin Laden responsible for 9/11?  In my opinion, he most certainly was one of the perpetrators.  However, we must leave history and every day common sense behind if we are to think he could not have been aided in his endeavor, or co-opted in it, by forces rather more powerful than he.  We needn’t go back very far, nor graze far afield, to find precedent for that idea.  In 1993, a former Egyptian Army officer living in the US,  named Emad Salem, went to work as an informant for the FBI and infiltrated the mosque in New Jersey where the Blind Sheik Abdel Rahman was engaged in conspiring with Ramzi Youssef to bomb the World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan.  For reasons never divulged, the FBI terminated their relationship with Salem before the attack, he saying, €œdon’t come to me when the bombs go off.€  The bomb went off, and Salem’s testimony convicted the bombers.  There is no evidence that the conspirators knew they had been infiltrated before their arrests.  We, pursuing truth about 9/11, needn’t prove that events recurred precisely as they did in New York and New Jersey eight years before. The existence of those events simply demonstrates that the evidence which establishes, without question, that the highest levels of American government descended into evil on the morning of 9/11 sits firmly upon a foundation of human experience and recent human history.

It has never been necessary to prove motive in a criminal case, helpful as understanding it may be in a court proceeding.  More than any other question, I am asked, skeptically, why would they do that, and in that way.  There is a very good reason why proof of motive is not required.  One’s thoughts are one’s own, and may well be unknowable to others, therefore impossible to prove without a confession, which we do not require a defendant to make in this country.
Nevertheless, there are some reasonable speculations about why agents of our own government would engage in such conduct, and why this or that tactic was employed.  However weak or strong those guesses may be, they are as nothing when trying to understand what happened.  Skepticism or perplexity must fail when compared to the laws of physics and the accumulated physical evidence which demand the conclusion that the buildings in New York were destroyed by controlled demolition, leading to the discovery of nanothermite, an explosive compound, in the dust and debris at Ground Zero.

We are also compelled to conclude that the Pentagon was successfully attacked because elements within our military did not employ its defenses.  Based upon the totality of the evidence it is quite doubtful that any airliner hit the building, but it is unnecessary to conclude whether it did or didn’t. The €œinside€ nature of the attack is demonstrated by the stand down of defenses and all of the other circumstantial evidence to which we have made reference in our papers.
As to why they would do it, generally, I cite two wars with their attendant enhanced defense spending, the Patriot Act, innumerable and unquantifiable opportunities for financial benefit by allied corporate forces and personal associates, the ability to employ fear as a motivating force on a daily basis and during election cycles, and lastly, to divert attention from the plethora of other crimes that had been committed and would be committed by members and associates of the then-governing administration.  Those crimes include fraud in the procurement of defense contracts, the theft of elections, and the murders required to enforce and maintain silence by less-committed members of the conspiracy.

There is very little of solace to be found in the history of this lawsuit.  There has not been a single voice among all of the chorus of commentators that predicted the extent to which the jurists involved in this case would take leave of their oaths.  But of course there has never been a lawsuit in the history of this country which contained allegations as monumental as are at the heart of Gallop v. Cheney.  And 9/11 was the worst single crime in American history.  In order to defeat truth, the judges had nowhere to go but to abject, craven falsehood.

When the planes disappeared into the buildings and the Pentagon erupted, 2977 victims’ lives were claimed, but the true toll of this basest of human cowardice and evil is far larger than that.  Thousands more have died from disease caused by the toxicity at Ground Zero.  And what of the innocents around the world?  There are American soldiers who fought in Iraq who thought they were retaliating for 9/11 when almost nothing could be further from the truth, yet hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are dead.  It is doubtful that Osama Bin Laden’s contribution to the attack would have achieved anywhere near the devastation brought about by demolition of the Towers which are the responsibility of the American conspirators.  Therefore, it may have been possible to avoid both of the wars had it not been for the participation of Cheney and Rumsfeld.  The Affidavit submitted to the 2nd Circuit opposing the SANCTIONS contains the bulk of the evidence against Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Myers.  It can be found with the other documents submitted in the case.

There is, maybe, an honorable explanation for the actions of the various judges who have ruled in this case, and the myriad journalists and law professors and deans of law schools, and unmoved-to-action, informed citizens who have rested immobile when another choice was presented to them.  It has been said by some that the investigation into the assassination of JFK was as flawed as it was because the people investigating understood what would be found and decided that the result of truth would be chaos and instability and therefore chose untruth.  It could be that the same or a similar phenomenon is at work with 9/11, a decision made that the very fiber of this country, the ties that bind us, the foundation that supports us, are too fragile to endure such a wretched stroke.   So because they could, they chose the well-traveled path of deceit, in spite of the dishonor, in spite of the numberless additional victims sure to find their ways to a death too soon, holding fast to dread stability out of fear.

Sad and wrong, and if so, only barely honorable in light of the selfish tilt of the calculations.  Stability serves the well-seated and powerful.  Who knows but the rest of the world might well benefit from what others see as chaos.

Thus the last ostensible victim in this horrifying tale is justice.  It has been tested in this nation, and there is little left.  In fact, it has been unmasked. Maybe that should be the title of the book.

As of December 23rd, 2012, there have been some 30,000 “reads” of this piece.  There is the suggestion of movement in those numbers.  I would like to try to see if another step can be taken.  As the courts have failed, the people have nothing left but politics, and nothing moves politicians but money and numbers of people.  I would like people to send an email if they are PREPARED TO MARCH.  If the number reaches 20,000 or so, I will take steps to organize a march on Washington for 9/11 Truth.  CENTERFOR911TRUTH@GMAIL.COM.  Put “PREPARED TO MARCH” in the subject line and include any comments or ideas in the body.


I, William W. Veale, hereby declare under the penalty of perjury that the following are the facts upon which I have relied to conclude that Defendants Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Myers conspired to commit mass murder and treason, and the reasons why those facts warrant that conclusion:

Plaintiff April Gallop went to work at the Pentagon on her first day back from maternity leave on September 11, 2001. She had her two-month-old baby with her and was directed by her superior to go to her desk first before taking her child to daycare.  She arrived at her workspace with no knowledge that the nation was in the midst of a terrorist attack, two airplanes having flown into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan.

As she turned on her computer, the building exploded.  She was knocked unconscious; came to; engaged in efforts to save others and then remembered her child.  She was able to extricate her son from the rubble and make her way out of the hole blown in the outer wall of the building.  As she climbed out toward the light with thirteen others, through the smoke and dust and debris, it never occurred to her, based upon what she saw and smelled and heard and felt, that an airplane had been involved in causing the destruction.  Her memory did not comport with what shortly became the government’s version of events, that American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757, had been hijacked and flown into the building.  As the months and years passed, nothing could diminish certain stark, abiding, undeniable facts.  Her desk was some forty feet from the edge of the hole that she managed to climb out of.  Her desk was in the way of the bulk of the left wing of a Boeing 757 as it plowed into the wall very near to which she sat, if in fact there was such a plane.  But she could not imagine how she could have made her way out through a hole created by an airliner flying into the building without seeing evidence of it having done so.  She saw nothing; she felt nothing; she smelled nothing.  No pieces of plane or luggage or jet fuel. And no fire.  She walked out having lost a shoe, but suffered no burns on her naked skin.  Nothing about her experience said, €œairplane.€  Her initial instinct persists to this day, that it was a bomb. Years later, in 2008, she filed the lawsuit which has occasioned the appeal that gave rise to the Order to Show Cause Re: Sanctions.  It alleges that former Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers, were part of a conspiracy that enabled the attacks now known simply as €œ9/11€.

Even the most casual, if non-perfunctory exposure to the attacks that day finds a quantity of material that is difficult if not impossible to summarize in any manageable court document.  Much of that material establishes that the Twin Towers and Building 7 in New York were destroyed by controlled demolition.  The work of scholars of a number of applicable disciplines, most importantly, architects and engineers, have established these facts to a moral certainty.  The finding, by the 9/11 Commission and the reports by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, that those buildings were destroyed due to the combination of being hit by airliners, in the case of the Towers, or by falling debris in the case of Building 7, and the resulting fires, is simply false.  Scientific inquiry and exposition have made it demonstrably so.  For example, the buildings collapsed at free-fall speed.  The only way that would be physically possible is if the supporting structures and floors were eliminated by explosive detonation.  The conclusive evidence that this is precisely what occurred lies in the finding of a substance called nanothermite in the dust and debris of the ruins.  Nanothermite combines with other chemical elements to form a compound capable of cutting through steel instantaneously, creating extremely high temperatures in the process.  The entire matter of the events in Manhattan will be addressed in the World Trade Center section of this Affidavit.

Two other pieces of this extraordinary puzzle, so compelling, so strikingly probative, are mentioned here to give them prominence. First, 37,500 gallons of jet fuel were missing from the alleged crash site of United Flight 93 near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, according to the Pennsylvania Environmental Protection Agency, thus demolishing completely the government’s official version of what took place that day.  Second, some three hundred human bone fragments, none with any dimension larger that one centimeter, were found on the roof of the 41-story-tall Deutsche Bank building across the street from the South Tower, with nothing other than explosive force to explain their condition, or their presence in that particular place. It is explosive force that the government denies in every instance, despite hundreds of statements of witnesses to the contrary, videotape of its occurrence, expert witnesses’ corroboration, and the refusal to test for its residue.
At the trial of the allegations in the Complaint, Plaintiffs will be able to establish that the three defendants were at their various posts and conducting themselves as their various roles would have dictated at the time of the attacks.  Vice President Cheney was whisked off to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center attached to the White House joined by his wife and a number of other staff members as well as White House photographer David Bohrer and Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta.  Rumsfeld and Myers participated in a video-teleconference from the Pentagon that involved Counter-terrorism chief, Richard Clarke, at the White House.  A number of matters concerning the three defendants and their actions that morning are important to an understanding of the broad claims made in the Complaint.

1.  Former Vice President Dick Cheney lied when he told the 9/11 Commission that he did not arrive in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center until almost 10AM.  If believed, he would thereby make himself immune to the accusation that he was in a position to materially and crucially take steps to defend the Pentagon from attack, since the building would have already been struck. On the other hand, his presence there at an earlier time would give him the opportunity to assure that whatever defenses existed would have no effect.  When the accused has provided false evidence concerning his actions, it is a matter of great importance at his trial, and before then, it fuels the fires of investigation for those who would know the truth. No seasoned investigator fails to take note when a suspect lies, because those lies are often the product of  guilt.  Sometimes deliberate, sometimes desperate and impulsive, lies are efforts to contain and sculpt information.  This particular lie by the central figure in the case is referred to first because it concerns the two most important pieces of evidence of conspiracy surrounding the whole subject of the 9/11 attacks: the fact that the headquarters of the mightiest military ever assembled on earth was successfully attacked and the testimony of Norman Mineta.

2. Cheney was, in fact, in the PEOC, €œshortly after the South Tower was struck€ according to his very own words, and by 9:15 or 9:20 AM, according to Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta’s testimony before the 9/11 Commission, and consistent with the statements of Condoleeza Rice, Richard Clarke, and White House photographer David Bohrer.  These witnesses, called to testify at any trial of this case, will not be the Defendants’ enemies, but rather their friends and colleagues or long-time associates.  These former wielders of unimaginable power will be forced by their oaths to commit perjury, or condemn their fellow with their own words.

3. While there in the PEOC, Cheney learned of the approach of an aircraft toward the Pentagon from 50 miles out, to 30 miles out, to 10 miles out.  When told by his aide that the plane was 10 miles out, Cheney was asked if the orders still stood. Cheney whipped his neck around and said, €œof course they still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary?€  Within a minute, part of the Pentagon was a mass of dust and smoke and rubble.  Thus, here again, Plaintiffs make the factual assertion that former Vice President Cheney gave or confirmed orders concerning a principal instrumentality of the crimes of 9/11, which orders allowed the plane to proceed unhindered to the Pentagon, for whatever purpose it served there.  Had the orders been of a different nature, a Board of Inquiry would have affixed responsibility for the disastrous performance of the soldiers in charge of the defense of the Pentagon.  The scene itself, as described by Mineta, in testimony to the 9/11 Commission, is full of importance.  Cheney is not a befuddled and beleaguered and hapless bureaucrat in uncertain waters.  He is in charge, and so comfortable in the role, that he has the mental and emotional capacity to dress down his aide in no uncertain terms, even as the worst single moment of crisis of any American presidency, and worst single crime in American history, is taking place.

4.  The testimony of Norman Mineta concerning the actions of Defendant Cheney at the time of the crime, arguably at the place of the crime, and indisputably concerning a principal instrumentality of the crime is not referred to in the 9/11 Commission Report, nor in the book, The 9/11 Investigations, Staff Reports, Excerpts from the House-Senate Joint Inquiry on 9/11, Testimony from 14 Key Witnesses, including Richard Clarke, George Tenet, and Condoleeza Rice.  These omissions are every bit as inexplicable as the failure to mention the destruction of WTC 7, taken up below, except as the purest form of cover-up.  For the untethered, unbiased mind, simple knowledge of the Mineta testimony changes all the debate concerning 9/11.  It immediately places the government advocates on the defensive, there being no honest retort to the obvious conclusions that Cheney was in charge in the bunker; that he was confirming orders about whatever plane was heading for the Pentagon; that there was time to raise an alarm and save lives at the Pentagon; and that the only plausible explanation for the absence of a Board of Inquiry after the defenses at the building failed is that it was a stand-down order to which Cheney referred, thus leaving him as the single most important and culpable official who enabled the attack on the Pentagon.

5.  According to the 9/11 Commission Report, former Vice President Cheney was not in the PEOC when Norman Mineta testified that he was, though as mentioned above, the conflict is not referred to in the report.  Also missing is any reference to Cheney’s actual words on the subject, first to NBC’s Tim Russert six days after the event when he said he went down to the bunker €œshortly€ after the South Tower was hit.  He repeated this statement to the American Enterprise Institute in 2009.  Both of these accounts are in perfect accord with the Mineta testimony and assumed standard operating procedures on the part of the Secret Service which would certainly act with dispatch when it is clear a terrorist attack of undetermined design is under way.  These statements are flatly contradictory of the 9/11 Commission Report and the official Cheney account as reported by the likes of Barton Gellman in his book Angler where an unexplained thirty-three minutes elapses between the impact with the South Tower and Secret Service Agent Jimmy Scott’s hand coming down hard on Cheney’s desk, his shouted €œNow!,€ and Cheney being lifted out of his chair.  It is impossible, virtually, to comprehend how the official version, as opposed to the version the world has seen emanate from his very mouth, survives the most minimal scrutiny.  A criminal investigator’s first impulse upon hearing that two principal actors in the event, here Bush and Cheney, were allowed to provide statements to the investigating body, the 9/11 Commission, while together in the room, with no ability to record the event, would be to spit out whatever liquid might have been on the verge of being swallowed, and then a simple knowing smile signifying the realization that the fix is in.  In a reasonable and  comprehensible world, Defendants or their lawyers or defenders would be required to explain how the Secret Service knew they needn’t hurry Cheney into the bunker.  How did they know there wasn’t a truck bomb on its way up Pennsylvania Avenue, or an RPG in Lafayette Park, or a small plane bearing down like the one that landed on the White House lawn during the Clinton Presidency?  If it took 33 minutes to act under these conditions, that was surely a failure, dead bodies a consequence or not.  Were there demotions or reprimands for those involved?  Not according to the public record.  Maybe discovery will uncover a different story.  Far more likely, there was a swift departure by Cheney from his office at the physical insistence of Jimmy Scott as soon as the second tower is hit at 9:03 AM, just as Cheney has stated publicly ever since, and Clarke and Rice and Bohrer and Mineta have each in so many words confirmed.

6.  The 9/11 Commission Report adopts Defendant Myers’s claim that he was on Capitol Hill that morning discussing his upcoming hearing to be confirmed as the new Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and that he had no idea what was going on until shortly before the Pentagon was struck.  Petitioner makes the factual assertion that those claims are false, established as such by the statements of Counter-terrorism Chief Richard Clarke who has reported that Myers, like Rumsfeld, was a participant in Clarke’s video-teleconference, convened by Clarke at the White House soon after the South Tower was hit.  According to Clarke, he had ongoing conversations with Myers about events as they transpired.  As will be suggested further below, it is important to note that this claim could be disproven with certainty with the release by the government of the videotape of that teleconference, without sound if necessary, if the claim is not true.  By rights, the holder of the evidence should bear the burden of its failure to disclose.  It is, given that failure, unreasonable and imprudent not to conclude that that tape, far from disproving the claims made by plaintiffs, would do everything to confirm them.

It is essential to grasp the importance of this evidence and the conflicts it exposes.  Any eventual trial will hear, at a minimum, two witnesses of, it would be thought, unquestioned integrity, enormous accomplishment, and incomparable stature and power, give conflicting testimony about whether one of them was a participant in a video-teleconference in the middle of a national security crisis, where the absence of either one, given their respective positions and responsibilities, would be notable if not shocking.  In the midst of a terrorist attack, who would Counter-terrorism Chief Clarke expect to be cooperating with in defense of the nation other than the two people at the pinnacle of the chain of command, Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Myers and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld?  Presence at the scene of a crime, by itself, with nothing more, is rarely sufficient to establish responsibility for a crime, but when one’s presence carries with it certain powers and responsibilities, and it is falsely denied, culpability is established in almost the only way it could be.  It is not likely that some inferior in the chain of command will give damning testimony concerning a superior about a matter of such overwhelming importance; though discovery in all its forms will test the assumption.

7.  Defendant Rumsfeld made false statements as well, when he claimed not to have been situationally aware until 10 AM that morning.  He was a participant in the video-teleconference along with General Myers.  Richard Clarke says so in unambiguous terms.  In addition, Robert Andrews, an aide to Rumsfeld at the time, was in the Secretary’s presence at critical moments the morning of the attack and has made statements establishing the falsity of Rumsfeld’s claims concerning his actions.

8.  Defendant Rumsfeld also lied when he said the nose of American Airlines Flight 77 was responsible for the hole in the C-Ring wall of the Pentagon and that it could be found there in the wreckage.  He was supposedly reporting what he had been told, but since his statement is patently untrue, Rumsfeld is purveying a known lie, or at a minimum establishing the existence of a false cover story.  There is no innocent explanation for such a story that does not involve levels of incompetence on the part of highly trained military operatives and investigators that it is simply impossible to swallow.

9.  Defendant Rumsfeld told the truth when he referred to the €œmissile that hit the Pentagon€ in the days following the attack and when he referred to the shooting down of United Flight 93 in Pennsylvania, neither of which statements are in accord with the government’s position concerning the nature of the attacks.  It is plain that Rumsfeld did not mean to say what he said.  He did not mean to acknowledge or make reference to a missile hitting the Pentagon.  Nor did he intend to give the impression that the people who were responsible for the attacks had €œshot down the plane in Pennsylvania.€  Neither of these assertions, the missile or the shoot-down, was consistent with the government version of events which supposed an airliner, Flight 77, hitting the Pentagon and Flight 93 being flown into the ground by its heroic passengers.  Both statements, however, are entirely consistent with allegations contained in the Complaint.  Only a jury is authorized to determine whether Defendant Rumsfeld’s slips of the tongue were unwittingly honest releases of accurate information or not.

The story of the Pentagon on the morning of 9/11 involves much more than the actions of the three defendants.  It involves human beings in the midst of violent attack, their reactions, their heroism, their perceptions, and the physical characteristics of the destruction of the building they had to escape, as and after the dust settled.  Plaintiffs assert that the evidence that an airliner hit the building is far from convincing.  In fact, other possible scenarios appear more likely based upon the facts as learned so far.  One of those possibilities is that there was a plane substituted for Flight 77, possibly while flying over West Virginia, that was fitted and painted to look like Flight 77, which plane actually flew over the building while some other plane or missile exploded into the building on a slightly different flight path.  There is the further possibility that no flying object hit the building at all, that the damage there was done by pre-placed explosives.   Parts of an aircraft found in the rubble could have been planted in the building before the attacks so they could be found afterward.  It will take an honest investigation and subpoena power to learn the truth.

10. There is general agreement that the scene at the Pentagon immediately after the onset of violence did not look like it involved an airliner.  Jaime McIntyre of CNN and John McWethy of ABC both claimed, after close inspection, not to have seen evidence of a plane hitting the building.  Arlington Fire Chief Ed Plaugher initially agreed that there were no obvious signs of an aircraft having hit the building, no large pieces of wing or fuselage.  One posited explanation for the few possible remains of the proposed Boeing 757 in the ruins of the Pentagon refers to a raging fire and tremendous heat said to have consumed the evidence.  In that event, April Gallop must have survived that heat and walked out where the plane flew in.  Not one word by government or judge seeks to explain how she could possibly have managed such a miracle.  Indeed, her entire narrative demands attention.

If the Defendants are correct in their official version, that adopted by the 9/11 Commission, a Boeing 757 left all of itself either in the space from which Ms. Gallop escaped, or outside the building, on the lawn, but there was nothing of it that caught her attention as she struggled out onto the grass, finished with her efforts to save her child and others.  It may be possible for the first floor of the Pentagon and that Boeing 757 to have merged in a way that allowed for Ms. Gallop’s failure to notice an airliner in her midst, but it would appear to be the less likely of the choices, putting the burden of proof squarely on the Defendants’ shoulders which they have the theoretical, in terms of facts, but unquestioned, in terms of technology and authority, ability to bear by showing the world what appears on all of the tapes of the eighty-some video-surveillance cameras that watch the building on a constant basis.  They also have the ability to show the world the parts of the plane recovered in the debris, hundreds of which in the normal airliner are stamped with identification numbers.  For obvious reasons having to do with NTSB crash investigations, the government, therefore, has, again, the theoretical ability to establish Flight 77′s presence in the wreckage.  Yet those interested wait, to blank silence, for any government effort to produce such proof.

11.  The presence of an E-4B, the Flying Pentagon or Doomsday Plane, above the White House as the attack on the Pentagon was taking place established the ability of high government officials, particularly within the military, to coordinate and direct the attack.  In addition, of course, it provided the Defendants with the ability to know of and appreciate the danger faced by Petitioner and her son, in the Pentagon, and take the necessary steps to protect them.  The non-existence of the radar tracks for that plane in the information provided by the 84th RADES Battalion demonstrates the ability and the intention by high government and military officials to erase radar tracks which might conflict with their proposed scenario concerning the events of that morning.  When CNN investigated this question, it received the telling denial by operatives at the Pentagon that there was such a flight, of such a plane, at such a time and place, one more lie of extraordinary importance to the hypothetical criminal investigator.

12.  The 84th RADES Battalion radar tracks also establish the ability and intention of the conspirators to manipulate radar track data with regard to American Flight 77.  The tracks of the incoming plane, never actually identified at the time as corresponding to Flight 77, appear to end at the west side of the Pentagon, confirming the proposition that the plane crashed into the building.  Calling into question, if not destroying, such a hypothesis is the fact that radar detail has been erased from the information provided.  The €œground clutter,€ tall buildings such as the Washington Monument or the office buildings of Rosslyn, VA, does not appear in the seconds after the event at the Pentagon where it had been at the moments before the plane supposedly hit the building. The conclusion that radar tracks were erased is therefore unavoidable. This is precisely what would have been required to obscure the fact that the plane in question flew over the Pentagon, instead of into it.

13.  Two agencies of government, the NTSB and the 9/11 Commission, have produced computer animations of the flight path of American Flight 77.  They do not agree. They describe two different approaches to the Pentagon. One, that of the 9/11 Commission, is consistent with the government-proposed flight path that created the pattern of destruction reported inside the Pentagon, flying South of the Navy Annex and the Citgo gas station, knocking down light poles within a half mile of the building.  The other, that of the NTSB, whose source is purported to be the Flight Data Recorder recovered inside the building, describes a flight path that proceeds north of the Navy Annex and the Citgo gas station.  It is important to note as well that there are credible eyewitness accounts of both flight paths.  There is, at this stage of the investigation and lawsuit, no reason to adopt a €œsingle flying object€ theory.  There are more witnesses to the Flight 77-hit-the-building theory, but many, if not all of them, are vulnerable to attack as to credibility or perception or both.  Eyewitnesses, without cross-examination, cannot be permitted to end any inquiry at this juncture; any more than a member of the audience at a magic show should be considered a reliable reporter of truth.  It must be considered probable that Defendants had at their disposal a number of operatives trained at misdirection.  One compelling explanation for the existence of two government animations that do not agree is that some person or persons within the conspiratorial apparatus wants the world to know what precisely took place on 9/11, but fear prevents more than the surreptitious provision of clues.

14.  Multiple military, and combat-trained witnesses reported shock waves and the smell of cordite consistent with the use of explosives at the Pentagon.  Only ignorance and inexperience disregards these kinds of firsthand evidence of conditions during the attack. On paper such pieces of information appear insignificant as €œone man’s opinion.€  In a courtroom, however, such firsthand relating of all of the five senses and the experiential bases for the conclusions presented can be the most important and compelling evidence that can be presented to a jury.  Cordite and shock waves are the artifacts of explosion and battle.  They do not occur with the crash of an airplane, even into a building; the chemical components simply do not exist.  These witnesses do not deserve to have their views accepted as historical truth now, but they have every right to be questioned in a courtroom before a finder of fact.

15.  There were secondary explosions at the Pentagon which no governmental source has acknowledged or sought to explain.   It is not open to disagreement that these explosions took place; the footage of them is quite available to anyone interested, seen behind David Martin of CBS while he is on camera, and heard while first responders can be seen on videotape caring for the injured outside of the building.  It is therefore incumbent upon an honest and thorough investigator to seek an explanation for the explosions.  If the building contained substances which might have exploded with the power shown in the footage, witnesses making such an assertion should be subjected to cross-examination.  One matter is certain; there are employees at the Pentagon who were there at the time of the blasts who reported explosions for which no innocent explanation occurred to them.

16. Laura Brown, the Deputy in Public Affairs for the FAA, sent the 9/11 Commission a memo explaining that the FAA had not waited until 9:24 AM to tell the military about Flight 77′s troubles, as NORAD’s official document implied, but that the FAA and the military had been in conversation about this flight long before. This memo was read into the 9/11 Commission’s record by Richard Ben-Veniste on May 23, 2003. The Commission’s report rejected even the 9:24 time in favor of its own claim that the FAA did not notify the military about Flight 77 until after it had crashed into the Pentagon, simply ignoring Brown’s memo.  Part and parcel of the cover-up is the failure of the 9/11 Commission in its Report to mention that which conflicts with what was its preordained conclusion.  The cover-up in this instance serves the essential strategies of the Defendants who, according to Brown, had ample time to warn occupants of the Pentagon and evacuate them.

17.  No judge and no government source has sought to explain why, or how, Hani Hanjour, FBI-identified suicidal terrorist hijacker of American Flight 77, would, a.) be able to fly the plane in the first place given his documented, pronounced lack of ability to fly even the most rudimentary aircraft; b) change course in the last 2 1/2 minutes of the flight to the Pentagon from one heading toward the office of Donald Rumsfeld and the roof of the building that would have achieved maximum devastation and a death toll in the several thousands, c) to one, after a 330 degree spiraling dive from 7-8000 feet, a maneuver even the most competent pilots would be unsure of accomplishing, heading into the building parallel to the ground, without hitting a blade of grass, d) where the building was sparsely occupied due to the recent renovations to better withstand attack, e) thereby causing the deaths of only 125 people including a solitary flag officer.  An unbiased observer must assess the likelihood of each of the foregoing components of the government version, and then assess the probability of their concurrent occurrence on a day when the 19 religion-besotted terrorists could apparently do no wrong, and the vaunted most powerful military in human history had already made more mistakes than the most imaginative fiction writer would dare include in a comic novel.

18.  The FBI report of cellphone calls during the attacks, admitted into evidence at the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called 20th hijacker, establish that the conversations alleged to have occurred between then-Solicitor General Ted Olson and his wife and passenger on American Flight 77, Barbara Olson, did not take place.  It is difficult to overstate the importance of this evidence.  It is through the statements of Ted Olson that the essential story of the attacks of 9/11 became available to the public through the news media.  He told of the purported eyewitness account of his wife in the midst of a hijacking, describing the Middle Eastern men and their efforts to commandeer Flight 77.  He told of two phone conversations, by cellphone, he said, that lasted a minute and two or three minutes.  Years later, scholars and investigators determined that cellphone calls were not possible from aircraft at 30,000 feet or more, the supposed altitude, according to the government, of Flight 77 at the time the calls were made.  Whatever doubts about the question there may have been were erased when FBI records were admitted into evidence in the Moussaoui trial.  The phone records obtained by the FBI proved that there was one attempt at a phone call on Ms. Olson’s phone, but it lasted 0 seconds, never being connected.

The implications of this evidence are impressive.  A number of scenarios propose themselves.  One prominent possibility is that Solicitor General Olson was a witting member of the plot, providing a much-needed personal tale of drama and victimization and tragedy which would then be used by the perpetrators to sell their version to the world.  In this instance, Ms. Olson may well have survived the ordeal that awaited the rest of the passengers on board Flight 77.  Records, and autopsy reports would have been doctored to comport with the legend.  It is impossible to know the actual facts without discovery.

A second possibility calls upon what is referred to as voice-morphing technology which allows the putting of one person’s words, through computerized digital manipulation, into the mouth of another.  In this scenario, Olson was the unwitting recipient of a faked call from his wife, all carried out by trained operatives in the employ of the architects of the conspiracy.

It is certainly impossible to conclude at this stage in the lawsuit which of these possibilities is true, or if some other as-yet-unimagined truth pertains, but pursuing a lawsuit based upon the simple contradiction between the statements of Olson at the time and the phone records of the FBI cannot be thought of as frivolous by any meaning of that term.

19.  A study of the scene at the Pentagon raises a number of questions all of which are the subject of great controversy amongst people who believe that elements within the government were complicit in the attacks.  Only an honest investigation and again, subpoena power, will produce the truth concerning these matters.

Among them are the following:
a. The hole in the far C-Ring wall, a picture of which is found at Para.25 of the Affidavit of William Veale attached to the Opposition to the Motion to Dismiss, is almost perfectly round and virtually identical to what would be the result of a standard wall-breaching by explosives.  If the perpetrators saw it as necessary to have a hole in the C-Ring to point to, in an effort to prove the flight of the plane into the building, even though there in fact was none, they may well have created a hole in this fashion.  This part of the scene of the crime is therefore consistent with the allegations in the Complaint which hypothesize the absence of an airliner and steps taken at misdirection and cover-up.

b.  The damage pattern inside of the building appears in significant respects to be  consistent with multiple explosions exerting forces in more than one direction.

c.  Columns near the outside wall appear to be bent out, or toward the direction from which the supposed Boeing 757 was coming.

d.  Columns in front of and behind Plaintiff Gallop’s desk were both destroyed almost completely.  Had there been one single event, or explosion, causing the destruction, it is inconceivable that she could have survived it.  Two events allow her the chance of escape between them.

e.  The hypothesis that there were two or more explosions is supported by clocks in different places inside the ruins found stopped at different times, approximately 9:32 AM and approximately 9:36 AM.

f.  Parts of an aircraft engine found at the scene of the attack on the Pentagon have been identified by some researchers as belonging not to a Boeing 757, but rather an A-3 Skywarrior.  It certainly may be argued that none of these matters is conclusive of anything, a notion that deserves dispute, but it is hard to imagine why the expert opinion, which is what it is, that a part of an engine of a plane other than a Boeing 757, is seen in a photograph of the clean-up efforts at the Pentagon should be dismissed without further inquiry.   No fewer than two reporters from the New York Times have done precisely that when made aware of that very identification.  The number of New York Times reporters who have published any of the evidence supporting the most important claims made in this lawsuit or by the 9/11 Truth Movement is zero.  That, in and of itself, should stop any marginally informed observer in their tracks.

20.  Not one of the eight pilots on the four hijacked airplanes managed to squawk the hijack code, €œ7500,€ to signal their predicament to air traffic controllers, a process that is drilled into all such pilots and takes a matter of seconds to perform.  When considering the events that the government urges on the world, it is enlightening to think of Captain Chip Burlingame, the pilot of Flight 77, the plane supposedly hijacked by the incompetent, according to his flight instructors, and, relatively speaking, diminutive Hani Hanjour, and then flown, again according to the government, into the Pentagon.  Burlingame was a combat veteran fighter pilot and imposing physical specimen.  Those who knew him, in their tragic remembrance, sneer at the idea of him giving up his plane without a fight, some suggesting his first instinct would have been to turn the plane over, breaking any hijacker’s neck precipitously, but hyperbole to the side, it takes a monumental effort to conceive of Burlingame unable to squawk the hijack code, far more to adopt such a vision without trial or the first deposition, or to find for sanctions against lawyers who deign to suggest the government version is unlikely.  The problem for the government is further compounded because the failure to squawk €œ7500€ must be multiplied by eight since each plane had a pilot and a copilot all similarly trained.


The first indication of a terrorist attack on the United States on 9/11 came seconds before Flight 11 plowed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan at 8:46 AM.  Then-Lieutenant of the NYFD William Walsh, on a gas leak call a half a mile or so north of the World Trade Center, heard an explosion that he thought was Con-Edison blowing up.  He looked up in response to the sound and saw what turned out to be United Airlines Flight 11 fly into the North Tower.  He went to the North Tower and found destruction in the lobby when the plane had hit ninety floors above.

That there was an explosion or explosions in the North Tower before Flight 11 hit is confirmed by the existence of an audio-tape of a meeting across the street at the time, and the statements of occupants of the subbasement of the Tower who heard, saw, felt, and were injured by, the explosions well below ground level and no where near the impact of the plane.

Prior to these first public moments, there was awareness, according to operatives within the FAA, which was communicated to the military, of airliners turning off their transponders and deviating from their authorized flight paths, amounting to what are known within the aviation community as in-flight emergencies.  Such emergencies trigger responses by air traffic controllers and US fighter jet squadrons in normal circumstances.  As alluded to below, standard operating procedures were not complied with on the morning of 9/11 in myriad ways and instances that beggar belief, and which resulted, most incredibly, and most notably, in the successful attack on the nation’s military headquarters, an accomplishment for which not one human being has been… sanctioned.

The result of the failures of air defense in New York were the collisions of airliners into the Twin Towers.  Those failures did not cause the total destruction of those buildings, or the other that sank to the ground at 5:20 PM that day, never having been hit by an airplane, World Trade Center 7.  Known as the Solomon Building, WTC 7 was 47 stories tall and owned by the new leaseholder of the Towers, Larry Silverstein.  Though it would be the contention of all government spokespersons and the 9/11 Commission, and the totality of mainstream journalism in this country, that the buildings were destroyed by the combination of damage resulting from the plane impacts, or the impact, in the case of WTC 7, of the debris from the South Tower’s collapse, and fire, the years since have devastated those conclusions.  Scientists, architects, academics, engineers, and controlled demolitions experts, in addition to ordinary people with the interest to pursue evidence no matter the direction in which it leads, have established that the Towers and Building 7 were blown up by explosives.  Since it takes weeks at least, to prepare a building for destruction, and because WTC 7 housed such federal agencies as the CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service and the SEC, it may be comfortably asserted that the attacks of 9/11 were carried out with the complicity of elements within the United States government.  When placed along side the shocking failure of the defenses at the Pentagon, most reasonably and probably, the consequence of a stand-down order within the chain of command, these facts allow no other conclusion but that 9/11 was an inside job. Some of the particular facts upon which Plaintiffs rely are set out below.

21.  Nanothermite, a constituent element of a substance capable of cutting through steel instantaneously and producing extremely high temperatures, has been identified, in a peer-reviewed paper by academics of chemistry and physics, in four separate, independently-collected samples of dust and debris from Ground Zero, confirming the views of over 1500 architects and engineers that the Twin Towers and Building 7 were destroyed by controlled demolition.  There is simply no other explanation for the presence of this substance in the places where it was found.    For all intents and purposes, nanothermite is an advanced weapons substance developed by scientists at the behest of the US military. There is also no conceivable explanation for the broad array of professionals from the fields of criminal investigation to intelligence, to military security to aviation to physics to chemistry to chemical physics other than the one compelling overwhelming truth that congeals them into a single voice–that high government officials were complicit in the enterprise which created the attacks of 9/11.  If it is possible for some non-governmental entity to have laced the three buildings with explosives and nanothermite for the instantaneous cutting of steel, it is well beyond the time for the Defendants to proffer that defense.   But its unlikelihood is pronounced to say the least since, as mentioned above, important government security agencies had offices in WTC 7.  One doesn’t enter such a building without governmental approval, presumptively.

22. Multiple witnesses have attested to the presence of molten metal, steel and iron, in the ruins of the three destroyed buildings in Manhattan which establishes the existence of temperatures well in excess of those created from a jet fuel or office building fire, further confirmation of the controlled demolition hypothesis. To be repetitive of other documents in the case, jet fuel, or office furniture fires cause temperatures approximately one thousand degrees Fahrenheit lower than what is necessary to melt steel.   Since there was molten steel at the scene of this crime, there must be some other explanation for its existence than the jet fuel and office materials put forth by NIST and defenders of the government version of events.  As an analogy, a homicide investigator must explain the presence of a bullet in a dead body.  If there is no non-criminal explanation, it must be presumed to have had a role in the death of the victim.  Molten metal in the rubble may be viewed as the bullet of 9/11.

23. The destruction of World Trade Center 7, though an event appearing in every respect to be a textbook example of controlled demolition, was not mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report at all, a completely astonishing omission unless the idea of cover-up is allowed space to breathe.  The household names, Jennings, Rather, and Brokaw all intoned in almost identical phrases at 5:20 PM when the building came down, how it looked like what we have all seen on television so often, where a building is destroyed by pre-placed explosives.  But these words and that fact could have no meaning at the time.  There appears no innocent explanation for the event’s evaporation from history by the authors of the 9/11 Commission Report.  Commissioner Bob Kerrey was asked point-blank why it was so.  He replied that there was no easy answer to that question.  It is only in a court of law or Congress that public officials have no option but to provide the explanations required, easy or no.  The building, WTC 7, but for the Towers, would have been the tallest building ever destroyed.  It was insured for close to a billion dollars.  It was one of the costliest monetary losses of that day.  Its demise had no readily acceptable explanation since it had not been hit by a plane.  And its destruction demanded the conclusion that it was an integral part of the conspiratorial plan because no one contests that it takes at least weeks to prepare a building for controlled demolition.  These may have been unknown facts that day, but they were the subject of frenzied analysis by experts and professionals long before the 9/11 Commission Report was written, yet to its reader, WTC 7 stands there even now.

24.  Steven Jones, then a professor of physics at Brigham Young University, began a study of the collapse of the Twin Towers in 2004, when he was shown a video of the collapse of WTC 7 and saw it so obviously to be a case of controlled demolition.  As outlined in his paper, Why Indeed Did The World Trade Center Buildings Completely Collapse?, published in the online Journalof911studies.com, in September of 2006:

a. He was initially struck by the presence of molten steel in the rubble which would be impossible if the heat created was the result, solely, of a hydrocarbon fire.

b. He analyzed the events, the collapse of the Twin Towers and WTC 7, and concluded that the collapses could not have occurred as the result of a jet fuel fire.

c. He was unable to find a single example of a steel frame skyscraper collapsing because of fire. In contrast he was able to find many examples of fires of much greater severity and length in buildings of similar construction that remained standing after many hours of being engulfed in flame. A fire in a high rise in Madrid in 2005 burned for twenty hours; was an inferno; and did not cause the building’s collapse. The North Tower of the World Trade Center itself suffered a three hour blaze over several floors in 1975, a fire twice as long as those of 9/11, but the building survived.

d. Jones wrote a paper which he published on the internet that set out his beliefs and called for a new investigation, suggesting that there were many areas of study that should be pursued that could provide answers to the many questions that remained.

e. He was subsequently contacted by four individuals with no knowledge of, or connection to, each other. Each had collected small quantities of dust or metal from Ground Zero. They gave him portions of what they had collected, and he tested each to determine their constituent elements.
f. He found that each sample possessed the signature ratios of certain elements, zinc, magnesium, barrium, aluminum, copper, iron, and sulfur that define a compound known as thermate, a substance used for the cutting of steel in controlled demolitions. Thermate is capable of producing temperatures in excess of 4000 degrees.

g. He noted the existence of phenomena on the videotape footage of the collapse of the towers which are emblematic of alumino-thermitic reactions (the use of thermite or thermate, as it is known when it includes sulfur). Those phenomena included certain colored fires, flowing, molten metal, and a light gray plume of smoke rising above the area of the reaction.

h. Because it was suggested that the molten metal seen on the videotape could have been the aluminum from the airplane, which melts at a lower temperature than steel, he performed tests in the laboratory designed to determine if that possibility could be excluded. All of his testing led him to conclude that the characteristics seen on the video footage were consistent with the use of thermate and inconsistent with any other tendered or imagined explanation.

i. Building 7 of the World Trade Center was central to Dr. Jones’ analysis because it appeared to be a textbook example of what a controlled demolition looks like, as Rather, Jennings, and Brokaw all said at the time.  In addition, molten metal found in the rubble of WTC 7 could not have been aluminum because WTC 7 was never hit by an airplane.

25.  Mayor Rudy Giuliani told Peter Jennings of ABC News that day: “we set up headquarters at 75 Barclay Street …and we were operating out of there when we were told that the World Trade Center was gonna collapse.  And it [the South Tower] did collapse before we could actually get out of the building.€    The importance of this piece of reporting is that there was no objective basis for expecting the towers to collapse.  This was a prediction of an unprecedented event with no innocent explanation for it.  Even the 9/11 Commission admitted that none of the fire chiefs expected the Towers to come down. The FDNY oral histories show that the information that they were going to collapse came from the Office of Emergency Management—Giuliani’s own office.  Giuliani officials could not have known that the Towers were going to come down, unless they knew that the buildings had been laced with explosives.

26. As mentioned above, WTC 7 was not hit by an airplane. Though it was damaged by falling debris and on fire, there should have been no reason, given the history of buildings of similar construction, to believe it would collapse. Even so, its collapse was predicted by city officials, just as the collapse of the South Tower was predicted just before that building came down, and too late to save those still trapped inside, or rescue workers trying to save them.

27. NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which produced the official reports on the destruction of the Twin Towers and WTC 7, has been, according to a former employee, “fully hijacked from the  scientific to the political realm,” so that its scientists are little more than “hired guns.”  Similarly, the 9/11 Commission, far from being an independent investigative body, was headed by Philip Zelikow, essentially a member of the Bush White House who failed to disclose his deep ties to the Administration, membership in the transition team, and authorship of the €œBush Doctrine€ of preemptive war, to the Co-Chairmen who hired him.  These are certainly matters of opinion, but the crucial question is, what are the bases for them.  It will only be discovery and a subpoena that will provide the answer.

28. A number of prominent structural engineers, including Hugo Bachmann, emeritus professor of structural analysis and construction at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, have said that  the destruction of WTC 7 was a controlled demolition. Others, including Jorg Schneider of the same institution and Jack Keller, emeritus professor of engineering at Utah State University, have concluded as well that the demise of WTC 7 was the result of controlled demolition.

29. As stated in Prof. David Griffin’s New Pearl Harbor Revisited, €œ[T]he most dramatic demonstration of this obviousness [that the destruction of WTC 7 was a controlled demolition] was provided when Danny Jowenko, a controlled demolition expert in the Netherlands, was asked to comment on a video of the collapse of WTC 7, without knowing what it was—he had not realized that a third building had collapsed on 9/11. After viewing it, he said: €œThey simply blew up columns, and the rest caved in afterwards…. This is controlled demolition.€ When he was asked if he was certain, he replied: €œAbsolutely, it’s been imploded. This was a hired job. A team of experts did this.€Ÿ When he was told that this happened on September 11, he was at first incredulous, repeatedly asking, €œAre you sure?€Ÿ When he was finally convinced, Jowenko said: €œThen they’ve worked very hard.€Ÿ When asked in 2007 whether he stood by his original statement, he replied: €œAbsolutely….I looked at the drawings, the construction and it couldn’t be done by fire…absolutely not.€Ÿ  (p. 44-45).  It is well understood by lawyers and judges throughout the world that the power of a witness depends on many factors.  The opponent of Jowenko’s conclusions is going to have a difficult time rummaging in the toolbox of impeachment.  Not only was there no incentive, monetary or otherwise, for him to opine as he did, he didn’t even know the import of what he was saying when he said it.  It was a blind tasting, and his bias as demonstrated by his words was of incredulity when he learned what building’s destruction he was reviewing.  His credentials are impressive as an expert in the very field under examination.  What precisely will his forensic opponent propose?  It does not matter, now.  The assertion that it was a controlled demolition is entitled to be accepted, now.  And that is equally true when a court seeks to exact sanctions in the light of such an opinion.

30.  Some of the bases for the opinion that WTC 7 was destroyed by controlled demolition follow:
a.  The collapse was preceded by the signature €œcrimp€ in the roof of the building indicative of controlled demolitions. The €œcrimp€ is the result of the destruction of the middle or interior of the building first so that the remains of the building fall in, as opposed to out, where damage might be caused to surrounding structures.
b. The penthouse of WTC 7 collapsed first, when there was no fire anywhere near that part of the building.
c.  The building descended, for at least part of its travel, at free fall speed, an impossibility without the use of explosives to remove the resistance of the lower floors in the way of the upper floors’ descent.
d. The collapse was of rapid onset, hardly what would be expected from a building gradually giving in to higher and higher temperatures.
e.  There are no historical precedents for steel framed buildings to collapse because of fire.
f.  There are, as mentioned above, abundant instances of much more devastating fires being survived by buildings of similar construction.

31. In August of 2008, NIST concluded its report concerning WTC 7 finding that it collapsed as a result of the damage done to the building from falling debris and the fires that occurred as a result, conclusions which demand skepticism and scrutiny especially in light of the following:
a. NIST did not explain the molten steel and iron in the rubble of WTC 7;
b. NIST did not explain the presence of sulfidation in metal in the ruins of WTC 7 as noted by scholars at Worcester Polytechnic Institute;
c. There were no tests for thermate conducted by NIST;
d. The eyewitness experience of Barry Jennings, Deputy Director of the Emergency Services Department of New York City Housing Authority, who survived explosions in WTC 7 in the morning of 9/11, many hours before its collapse, was not accounted for in The NIST report, nor was the account of  corporation counsel Hess whose life Jennings saved in the explosions that morning.
e.  For support, NIST referred to a fire burning at 5:20 PM on the 12th floor, when its own photograph demonstrated that fire was out by 4:45 PM.
All of the insights that apply to each of the preceding paragraphs are even more applicable with regard to the demise of WTC 7, which has been described as the smoking gun of 9/11.  One must assume that the plan of the attacks went horribly awry with the destruction of Building 7, because it is, in every respect precisely what one would use to demonstrate what controlled demolition is. One must simply be stunned by the arrogance of the planners or be awed by the power to silence anyone daring to proclaim the nakedness of the Emperor.  And the power was tested on more than one occasion.  Most notably, Michael Berger, a spokesperson for the 9/11 Truth Movement, and Steven Jones whose work as been discussed in this document, both requested to have the destruction of WTC 7 shown to the viewers of their interviews by Fox or another network, and both were refused.  One wonders how assertions of fact such as these can be considered sanctionable for other than power political reasons, to silence the messenger.

32. There are many, if not thousands, of individual stories that are noteworthy concerning the actual events at the Twin Towers.  Many were told in Jim Dwyer of the New York Times’ 102 Minutes.  Not found in that account are any of the countless instances of people experiencing explosions while they were in or near the Towers before or as they were destroyed.  These descriptions of €œsecondary explosions,€ as they were called, and actual footage of the sounds themselves that morning are available in multiple places as DVD’s or on the Internet. 118 firefighters reported such explosions to their superiors in the effort to preserve the history of the FDNY’s response.  At the same time, the story of Brian Clarke is instructive not for his experience of explosions, but rather his inexplicable survival in the inferno proposed as the reason for the South Tower’s collapse after only about an hour of fire.  He was in that Tower when it was hit at 9:03AM. He was located on the 84th floor, above the impact of the airplane. He managed to rescue a person on the floor below him, and climb down the stairs to safety through the floors that were on fire, said to be so destructive and devastating, in the government version of events, as to cause the collapse of the building.  Surely one needn’t apologize for questioning an explanation that includes such discordant assertions of fact.

33. Kevin McPadden was in a position to give assistance to the injured on 9/11 and at 5:20 PM was close enough to a Red Cross representative’s radio to hear the last three counts of a countdown that preceded the demolition of WTC 7. Just before that, he was told that €œthey€ were thinking about bringing a building down.

34. A firefighter was caught on videotape saying that the building(WTC 7) was coming (going to come) down.

35. There were bone fragments found on the roof of the Deutsche Bank building hundreds of feet from the Towers, none of which was larger than one centimeter in length.   This piece of information is one of the most compelling facts to which anyone could refer in the entire case.  There were some three hundred bone fragments found.  They were human bones.  They were on the roof of that building, across the street from the South Tower.  The building was 41 stories tall and the bone fragments were found in 2005 and 2006.  Is there an unbiased mind that can create a mental construct that explains how those pieces of bone, none bigger than a centimeter, got up onto that roof in that condition, that involves only fire and gravity?  Fire does not turn the human body into minute pieces of bone.  It turns them into charred remains whole. The fragments were 41 stories up and exploded to virtual dust.  Is a consideration of these matters an exercise in frivolity?

36. At least one rescue worker remarked on the absence of items such as telephones, computers, desks, or chairs in the rubble at Ground Zero.  He was struck by the dust of the remains without substantial solid pieces.  Again, when a telephone is crushed by great weight, it is hard to imagine it turning into powder, yet the court, to impose sanctions, must not only imagine it but conclude that the proposed presence of solid pieces of desks and chairs would be a grotesque flight of sick surmise without factual underpinning, a bit of dishonor to suggest.
37. Ben Fountain and Scott Forbes, two people who worked in the World Trade Center Towers, have stated that there was an unusual power-down the weekend before 9/11 and that there was unusual construction going on in the building in the weeks before the attack.  This is important for those stuck upon the €œhow€ of the entire enterprise of conspiracy.

38. The company Securacom/Stratasec, whose director from 1996 to 2000 was Marvin Bush, the younger brother of President George W. Bush, was responsible for updating the security system at the World Trade Center in those years. Wirt D. Walker III, apparently a distant cousin of the President, was the CEO of Securacom/Stratasec from 1999 to 2002.  Though hardly essential, it would seem helpful to have someone trusted in charge of security for the buildings whose internal structures must be compromised in order to effect a controlled demolition.  Were this the only piece of evidence upon which plaintiffs rely, sanctions might well be in order.  It is not.

39. The government denies that the €œblack boxes€ from American Flight 11 and United Flight 175 have been recovered.  But three of the four from the two flights were found by New York City firefighter Nicholas DeMasi who escorted federal agents to the site of their recovery on an all-terrain vehicle. Witnessing the recovery of the boxes was Mike Bellone, chronicled hero of the Ground Zero rescue efforts.  As with many of these pieces of evidence one is provoked to ask €œwhy would they do that, not acknowledge the black boxes or not have that base covered in the event of the find?€  It is impossible to know without discovery and maybe impossible even then, but the law does not require a proponent to say why something happened as long as they can establish that it did.

40. Richard Siegal set up a camera on a tripod in Hoboken, New Jersey after the World Trade Center Towers were hit. An analysis of the videotape taken from his camera, the pictures and the sound, shows that there were multiple explosions just before and as the towers came down.

41. Further, the videotape shows smoke at the bottom of the Towers just before their collapse which is what one would expect with the detonation of an explosive device or devices at the bottom of the building removing the lower supports, and allowing gravity to achieve total collapse.
Siegal’s video has been available to the public for years now.  Can anyone point to the government’s, or anyone else’s, refutation of the claims made based upon that video?  What does such silence mean?  Is it responsible and conscientious for a government to allow the most explosive claims concerning the worst possible crimes to be promulgated into the discourse of the nation without official rebuttal?  Is it not apt for the citizens to reason, if these assertions were false, our leaders would tell us that?  That the government remains silent is strong indication that it does not possess the ability to combat the inference.

42. The leaseholder of the World Trade Center towers and owner of WTC 7, Larry
Silverstein, made statements in the years following 9/11 that suggested that WTC 7 was destroyed by controlled demolition.
a. On the television program Frontline he told of having conversations with fire officials during the day on 9/11 during which the tremendous loss of life was discussed, and Silverstein suggested, €œmaybe the smartest thing is to pull it.€Ÿ He said that the decision was then made to €œpull it.€
b. The building subsequently came down at 5:20 PM. Some people watching the show took note of the use of the words,€pull it€ and claimed that those were terms of art used in the demolition industry to refer to the controlled demolition of a building. The claim was made that Silverstein had admitted to participating in the decision to demolish WTC 7.
c. Because it takes a matter of weeks to prepare a building for controlled demolition, it then seemed clear that the attacks and the destruction of the buildings had to have been arranged in advance and planned by forces in control of the World Trade Center.
d. It was noted that among the tenants of WTC 7 was the CIA, the Department of Defense, the Secret Service, and the SEC, making it unlikely that some non-governmental entity could have planted the necessary explosives without the government’s knowledge and acquiescence.
e. Destroyed in WTC 7 were records of the investigation of corporate fraud kept by the SEC, including that involving Enron.
f. When the accusations concerning Silverstein and his statements surfaced, a refutation was offered by Silverstein that he had been referring to the FDNY battalion that had been in WTC 7, supposedly at the time the decision to €œpull it€ was made.  He claimed that the decision referred to, was to pull the battalion out of the building. Further, it was claimed that €œpull it€ is not a term of art in the industry.
g. Critics of the Silverstein response made two key points in rebuttal:
(1). The battalion that had been fighting the fire was actually pulled out of the building around 11:30 that morning. There was no firefighting going on in WTC 7 when Silverstein claims the decision was made.
(2). Proponents of the governmental complicity theory were then able to obtain an audiotape of a phone conversation during which a demolition worker was heard saying that they were about to €œpull building six€, referring to the cleanup efforts at Ground Zero that involved demolishing the building known as WTC 6.
h. Within the last two or three years, a Brooklyn College student demanded in a public forum that Silverstein explain his comments about WTC 7.  Silverstein avoided the question, gave the accepted, official explanation for WTC 7′s collapse that had nothing to do with explosives, and then, when pressed, told the moderator to take another question, refusing subsequently to address the issues raised by the student.
i.  Jeffery Scott Schapiro, a journalist with pronounced disdain for the 9/11 Truth Movement has reported that Larry Silverstein spoke on the telephone to his insurance company on the morning of 9/11 and discussed the possibility of demolishing World Trade Center 7 by controlled demolition.
j.  Silverstein leased the World Trade Center from the Port Authority in the last six months before 9/11. The insurance policy that he took out on the Towers specifically included acts of terrorism. He reportedly collected between 4 and 8 billion dollars on the policies.
k.  The World Trade Center was not financially viable at the time of its destruction. There was asbestos clean-up that was needed which was to cost at least $1 billion. In addition, occupancy was falling in the towers leading to declining revenues.
These are facts found by independent investigators or gleaned from media reports.  No prudent, impartial person should be prepared to decide the truth of the matter based on such a recitation, but in the face of what is recounted here, lawyers asserting these facts should not be dismissed as frivolous and sanctioned.


All of the matters set out above demand the conclusion of complicity on the part of the three defendants.  Plaintiffs rely on considerably more in response to the Order to Show Cause.  The circumstances surrounding the loss of United Flight 93 near Shanksville, Pennsylvania provide an abundance of further clues, evidence, that there was a plot at the highest levels of government, that 9/11 was a false flag attack against its own citizens, to advance the world-hegemonic policies of the Administration then in power.
43.  Defendant Cheney lied when he said that no shoot-down order was given until 10:25 AM on the morning of the attacks.  Richard Clarke establishes his knowledge of that order at 9:50 AM in time for United 93 to be shot down a little after 10 AM, accounting for the dispersal of its debris over eight miles of terrain.  The amount of evidence that Flight 93 was the victim of such a shoot-down order is quite staggering, and includes the following:

a.  The site of the supposed crash of United Flight 93 does not agree with general ideas of what an airliner crash site looks like, as there are no substantial pieces of plane visible.  The idea that the plane dove straight into the ground thus producing a crash site that is significantly different from those general ideas, has been terminally discredited by aviation experts who have studied the evidence available from the NTSB.

b. The pattern of damage to the surrounding vegetation contradicts the official version’s flight path.

c. There is debris from Flight 93, including the engine, spread over a large area.  The engine was found about a mile away, but other debris was located 8 miles away.  Each of these facts is consistent with a plane shot down in the air and completely inconsistent with an intact airliner, or virtually intact airliner if one adopts one of the government-defender scenarios, crashing to the earth in a suicide dive.

d. Susan McIlwain witnessed a low-flying plane, or missile, as she was driving her car near the crash site outside of Shanksville, PA. The object, solid white and without rivets, came from her right, in front and just above her, ascended over a stand of trees, banked right out of sight, at which point there was an explosion at what is known as the Flight 93 crash site.  Ms. McIlwain has straightforwardly maintained her account of the event she witnessed ever since she first told it within months of the event.  By herself, Ms. McIlwain, if found credible, destroys the official account of 9/11, establishes the good faith behind the accusations in the Complaint, and makes ludicrous the notion that the suit before the Court is in some way delusional or an expression of frivolousness.  One is left to wonder where anyone finds the authority to discredit Ms. McIlwain’s account without her ever being questioned by a lawyer or investigator, much less taking an oath in court.

e. Air Force officers have stated that it was an Air Force mission to shoot down Flight 93 which mission was accomplished, and there is a hearsay account from the pilot who shot the plane down.  It is not surprising to find such statements if one assumes the possibility that the government version of events may be flawed in some fashion.  It will take the power of subpoena to learn of the factual basis of the claims.

f.  The Pennsylvania Environmental Protection Agency studied the impact of the events near Shanksville on the environment.  The agency sought to determine the extent of the damage done by jet fuel, burned or unburned, at the scene of the crash.  The Pennsylvania Environmental Protection Agency determined that no jet fuel whatsoever was present, in any form, at the crash site. Since United 93 was a cross country flight near its beginning, calculations were made, and it was concluded that 37,500 gallons of jet fuel were missing from the crash site in Shanksville.  Similar to the account of Ms. McIlwain, this scientific finding eviscerates the government’s case completely in the sense that it establishes conclusively the false nature of the government account.


The foregoing establishes the fundamental claims of this lawsuit, that there was a conspiracy, and that the 9/11 Commission Report is false and the product of cover-up.  In an effort to be complete without becoming minute, the following facts will be a part of proof at trial.  It was essential for the air defenses of this country to be stood down at the crucial time and for there to be a plausible story to tell a shocked nation and evidence to support its claims.  Thanks to the vigilance and tenacity and scholarship of its citizens, the country has access to at least parts of the truth.

44.  Standard operating procedures between the FAA and the military, according to which planes showing signs of an in-flight emergency are normally intercepted within about 10 minutes, were not followed during the morning of 9/11.  The number and varieties of the supposed failures, from the fighters at Otis AFB taking some 12 minutes even to get off the ground, to sending them to some holding pattern off Long Island, to the failure to alert any of the jets at the bases referred to by Colin Scoggins, below, to vectoring jets from Langley AFB in Virginia, aloft in time to get to the Pentagon before whatever plane was headed in that direction, into the Atlantic Ocean away from all critical intercepts, have been documented in countless places.  After a trial a jury may feel compelled to conclude that our military forces were simply grandiosely inept and impoverished of luck at this crucial time, all of the circumstances of incompetence unfortunately dovetailing perfectly to produce the disastrous consequences no one but Al Qaeda intended, but lawyers suggesting otherwise are hardly deserving of sanction for their different opinion.  In fact, the most reasonable explanation for this set of events is the existence of a stand-down order, such as Cheney confirmed in the PEOC, according to the testimony of Norman Mineta and a rudimentary understanding of American and World military history, i.e. that failure in the military leads to investigation, demotion or incarceration, and disgrace.  It does not lead to promotion, the fate of every high-ranking military official in the wake of the attack.

45.  A witness at Los Angeles International Airport reported the existence of such a stand-down order as coming from the highest levels in the White House.  The whole story is recounted in Griffin’s New Pearl Harbor Revisited.  It is entirely consistent with the set of events asserted in the Complaint, an insider with insider’s knowledge telling of what he heard and saw while in the company of other insiders as the critical events unfolded.  Discovery will or will not confirm his story, but it is completely within the duties of lawyers to allege these facts when there appears no reason to disbelieve them other than the pabulum of childhood that our leaders are incapable of such atrocity.

46.  Colin Scoggins, the military specialist at the FAA’s Boston Center, reported what happened in relation to American Flight 11, the plane that flew into the North Tower of the World Trade Center and showed that the military had to have known about this flight’s troubles much earlier than it claimed.  Scoggins also refuted the various claims that there were only four military fighter jets available that morning. Also available, Scoggins reported, were fighters at Andrews (in Washington DC), Toledo, Selfridge, Burlington, and Syracuse.

47. Evidence of the fabrication of evidence can be found in every corner of this case.  The scrubbing of radar tracks has already been alluded to.  A passport belonging to one of the alleged hijackers must have survived an enormous fireball that destroyed virtually everything else, but was found on the streets of Manhattan unscathed.  A bandanna and a visa belonging to a proposed hijacker, it is claimed, survived the crash of United Flight 93 in Pennsylvania whereas almost nothing else did.  It may be that these facts by themselves should overcome any tendency toward skepticism concerning the allegations in the Complaint, but when seen in conjunction with all of the other perceived misdirections that are found throughout the case, their reinforcing and confirming power of all that is asserted by Plaintiffs is undeniable.

48.  The cellphone calls from Flight 93 present several problems.  Under normal circumstances, as set out above, such calls appear to have been a technological impossibility at the time, from the altitudes ascribed to them by the government version of events.  They could have been made possible by the presence in the aircraft of a specially-engineered and -placed €œcellphone repeater€ of sufficient power to establish connections to ground stations for the necessary time frames, or they must have been the product of voice-morphing technology.  Voice-morphing, again, referred to above, has been in existence for a number of decades, most recently featured on the television program €œ30 Rock,€ and demonstrated to military top brass when treasonous words were put in the mouth of a general present at the meeting, much to his surprise, and totally without his participation.  In any event, it is impossible to ignore the suspicion that the Hollywood film, €œUnited 93,€ was the conceit of a mind in the employ of the conspirators before any of the aircraft actually left the ground that morning.

49.  Although the official story holds that the four airliners were hijacked by devout Muslims ready to die as martyrs to earn a heavenly reward, Mohammed Atta and the other alleged hijackers regularly drank heavily, went to strip clubs, and paid for sex.  Atta’s former girlfriend, as well as other residents of Venice, Florida have given detailed accounts concerning the lifestyles of these supposed suicidal martyrs that simply cannot be reconciled with the portraits the government has painted of them.

50.  Decisive evidence that al Qaeda was responsible for the attacks was reportedly found in Mohammed Atta’s luggage–which allegedly failed to get loaded onto Flight 11 from a commuter flight that Atta took to Boston from Portland, Maine, that morning.  This story, however, was made up after the FBI’s previous story had collapsed. According to that story, the evidence had been found in a Mitsubishi that Atta had left in the Logan Airport parking lot, and the trip to Portland was taken by Adnan and Ameer Bukhari.  After the FBI learned that neither of the Bukharis had died on September 11, it simply declared that the trip to Portland was made by Atta and another al Qaeda operative.  Only the most inexperienced or biased investigator would pay no attention to contradictions such as these on the part of the principal agencies charged with providing facts to the relevant governmental bodies and to the American people.

51.  Osama bin Laden, recently executed by Navy SEALS, as far as the world knows, because he was the force behind the 9/11 attacks, was already America’s ‘most wanted’ criminal, in July 2001 when he was treated by a Canadian doctor in the American hospital in Dubai and visited by the local CIA agent.  A closer look at the matter reveals that Bin Laden was never considered directly responsible for the attacks of 9/11 by the FBI or, importantly, by Defendant Cheney who said precisely that.

52.  The actions of the Secret Service bear further scrutiny.  After learning that a second World Trade Center building had been attacked—which would have meant that terrorists were going after high-value targets—and that still other planes had apparently been hijacked, the Secret Service allowed President Bush to remain at the school in Sarasota, Florida, for another 30 minutes. It thereby revealed its foreknowledge that Bush would not be a target: If these had really been surprise attacks, the agents, fearing that a hijacked airliner was bearing down on the school, would have hustled Bush away.  Again, the telling of the suspect’s tale by the suspect or his agents, provides important further suspicious circumstance. On the first anniversary of 9/11, the White House started telling a story no one had heard before.  According to this account, Bush, rather than remaining in the classroom several minutes after Andrew Card whispered in his ear that a second WTC building had been hit, immediately got up and left the room. This lie, made manifest through the video of the occasion and shown to the world in the Michael Moore documentary, Fahrenheit 911, was told in major newspapers and on MSNBC and ABC television. This popularized knowledge, one would have thought, should have kick-started a moribund curiosity in the attacks on the part of the mainstream media, especially since unspeakable analyses of the event were already finding traction on the Internet.  Instead, Pulitzer Prize-winning writers about 9/11 have refused to look back, having already turned away, or shake their heads distractedly while saying it will be a source of mortification if they got the most important story of their lives, if not American history, wrong.

53. General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of Pakistan’s ISI, had $100,000 sent to Mohammed Atta just before 9/11.  The history of the intersections between American and British intelligence and what has become militant Islam has been written about by many scholars of renown.  Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed€˜s two books, The War On Truth, and The War On Freedom provide page after page of peculiar or suspicious circumstance all completely consistent with the allegations in the Complaint.  At some point the failures, or oversights, or strange alliances that existed coincident with the antecedent events that led to the 9/11 attacks cannot be overlooked.  In each case it may be entirely plausible to say, this was a mistake, or that was a coincidence, but for each of us there is a tipping point beyond which the sheer number of mistakes or circumstances cannot be reconciled with innocence.  We do not rely upon any of these circumstances found in the histories to which we refer, but they bolster the instinct to look further and confound the suggestion that the factual allegations in the Complaint are the product of fantasy.

Some of the important history in this case involves the relationship between the CIA and the Pakistani ISI particularly in the years of the CIA efforts to expel the Soviet Union from Afghanistan.  It is a fact that Osama Bin Laden was a CIA asset during those years; that many of the men he and the CIA trained became Al Qaeda; that Pakistan’s ISI was instrumental in these efforts.
Therefore, when it is alleged, and in fact uncontested, that the head of that agency provided financial assistance to the man the government calls the ringleader of the 19 hijackers, it becomes laughable to suggest that €œinside job€ conspiracy theories must be the product of delusion.

54. General Mahmoud Ahmad met with the National Security Council during the week of 9/11, a fact which then-National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice has denied, provocatively.

The foregoing list includes some matters discovered since the filing of the Complaint or the Appendix attached to the Opposition to the Motion to Dismiss, but it does not include all of the new scholarship or investigative discovery.  Underscoring the pronounced injustice that will follow this Court’s decision, of which the Order to Show Cause is a part, should it remain undisturbed and the doors of inquiry locked to Petitioners, are the following new matters:

a.  Won-Young Kim, of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, in Palisades, New York and Gerald R. Baum of the Environmental Geology and Mineral Resources Program, at the Maryland Geological Survey in Baltimore, Maryland conducted a study at the behest of the United States Army which sought to pinpoint the exact time of the crash at the Pentagon through a study of the seismographic record.  They found that there was, for all intents and purposes, no seismographic record, that is to say there was no spike or other remarkable indication of movement of the earth’s crust around the time the events at the Pentagon were known to be taking place.  This fact has led one experienced aircraft crash investigator to state categorically that no airliner crashed into the building.

b.  Further work by representatives of Pilots for 9/11 Truth establishes that the Flight Data Recorder information produced by the NTSB pursuant to a FOIA request, cannot have come from American Airlines Flight 77.  The implications of this are quite staggering.  According to experienced aviation experts, the government has disseminated false information concerning one of the most significant pieces of evidence in any plane crash.  It is possible that the information was provided for the purpose of promoting the search for the truth, and ultimately should be applauded.  Under no circumstances, however, can Plaintiffs’ use of the information, or hypotheses based upon it, be considered an expression of bad faith.  One theory to which these facts add weight holds that the plane that was heading for the Pentagon, which the Cheney stand-down order allowed to proceed unmolested, was not American Airlines Flight 77, but a substitute used to play some role in the attack whose precise nature cannot at this moment be known, reminiscent of one of the Operation Northwoods plans of 1962, proposed to President John Kennedy by all of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and rejected by him, which were in toto a false flag proposal to justify a war against Cuba.  Had we made up any of what appears here, had the assertions been spun from whole cloth, the product of a truly diseased imagination, sanctions would be entirely appropriate.  None of it is; as the court well knew.  What led the court to consider sanctions in order, in the face of what appeared in the Complaint and the Appendix, is a far more perplexing question than any other rhetorically propounded within this document.

Even as these papers are prepared, more players and more information enter the lists.  It now appears confirmed that five Israeli agents were arrested on the morning of 9/11 in New Jersey having been seen celebrating at the success of the attacks.  They had set up cameras before the first plane hit, and were filming the Twin Towers when they were struck by the airliners. Police arrested the men who remained in custody for several weeks and then were sent back to Israel where they appeared on television and proclaimed that they were in New Jersey to document the event.  In addition, according to Alan Sabrosky, PhD., ten-year veteran of the Marine Corps and graduate of the Army War College, two other Israelis were arrested in a truck or van containing explosives near the George Washington Bridge on the morning of 9/11.  They were in FBI custody according to Dan Rather, but nothing further concerning them has been reported.
Because the Courts which have heard this case have felt the allegations to be the product of fantasy and delusion, it seems appropriate to cite a scholar with unimpeachable credentials who has offered his expert opinion concerning the nature of the 9/11 attacks, having studied the matter in depth.  Dr. Sabrosky has stated that the attacks were a Mossad operation carried out with the aid of elements within the United States Government.  While he does not dismiss as unimportant other pieces of evidence to which, for example, this document makes reference, he gives precedence for proof of the essential claims of the 9/11 Truth Movement, the unquestioned destruction of WTC 7 by controlled demolition, the myriad reports of so-called secondary explosions in the buildings in New York before and as they were being destroyed, and the evidence of Israeli participation as set out in the previous paragraph.  Dr. Sabrosky is by no means the only military-trained scholar to endorse the contentions of the 9/11 Truth Movement.  Adherents include members of parliaments, former intelligence officials, state department officials, many former and current soldiers, and at least one retired general of the United States Air Force.  Most are probably not accustomed to having their beliefs demeaned as delusion or fantasy.

Even though effort has been made to be complete, it should be pointed out that what is set out above is a mere synopsis of the scholarship which has impelled this lawsuit. Dozens of scholarly and scientific articles and close to forty books have been distilled here so that this document could be manageable.  In addition, the complex and imposing tapestry of historical and political circumstances which will provide compelling context for the ultimate trier of fact in the case have, in large part, been omitted.

As can be seen in the matters set out within, as well as in the Complaint, the Opposition to the Motion To Dismiss, the 65 pages of Affidavits contained in the Appendix to the Opposition to the Motion to Dismiss, and Appellants’ Opening and Reply Briefs in the Court of Appeals, and the Petition for Rehearing and Rehearing En Banc, Plaintiff/Appellant does not conjure speculative innuendo in accusing Defendants Cheney, Rumsfeld and Myers of mass murder and treason.  Rather she and her son rely on sometimes simple, sometimes complex, but in every instance, demonstrably verifiable statements of fact.

Plaintiff’s claims, set out in this lawsuit, are the furthest possible distance from frivolous, from being founded in cynical delusion, or the product of fantasy.  It is quite difficult, indeed, to imagine a seasoned lawyer deciding to make the allegations we have made, to file a lawsuit accusing three of our most exalted leaders with unspeakable, unimaginable atrocity without sufficient facts to sustain the belief.  Plaintiffs’ lawyers have certainly not done so, but rather, they have taken this unprecedented step because no one else would; because the whole history of our culture was being twisted and smeared with dishonor, and none of our nation’s guardians of justice, whether they be lawyers or investigators ordained and sworn to uphold the law, or journalists with a softer but no less essential duty, has taken even the first step to learn the truth or tell it.
Now twice, Federal Courts have stated that the allegations contained in this lawsuit are €œimplausible.€  This opportunity is taken to ask the Governments’ and the Defendants’ representatives, as they are called upon to respond to this Response to the Order to Show Cause, to set out for the Court and the world just what it is about the allegations that makes them implausible.  Is it implausible that evil exists in the world?  Is it implausible to conceive that that evil is attracted to power?  Is it implausible to propose that American citizens possess no immunity to the contagion of evil?  Is there implausibility in the remembrance of American policy that has exercised power for immoral purposes throughout its history?  Is the tactic of the €œfalse flag€ a figment of an a historical imagination, or rather, a weapon in the arsenal of every nation since the beginning of time that has been employed by American leaders repeatedly?  One might finally ask of our opponents, what, in the formidable mass of factual assertions contained in this Affidavit is inaccurate or irrelevant and how, and why?

I declare that the foregoing is true and correct.
Dated: July 9, 2011
William W. Veale